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Cek Fakta - Liputan 6

Organization: Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
Applicant: Edu Krisnadefa
Assessor: Yenny K
Conclusion and recommendations
on 16-Aug-2019 (5 years ago)

Yenny K wrote:

I recommend Liputan6.com to continue to be part of the IFCN. Over the past year, it has fact-checked numerous topics, from politics and health. It is also part of Indonesia's fact-checking collective, which also happens to be called Cek Fakta: https://cekfakta.com/media.                  

on 16-Aug-2019 (5 years ago)

Yenny K recommended Accept

Section 1: Organization

Criterion 1a
Proof of registration
Evidence required: Please provide evidence that the signatory is a legally-registered organization set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking or the distinct fact-checking project of a recognized media house or research institution.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Liputan6.com is a legal entity incorporated as a limited liability company registered with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights under the name of PT Liputan Enam Dot Com (documentary proof attached)

Liputan6.com is one of the biggest online news media in Indonesia that has been verified by Indonesian Press Council or Dewan Pers. (https://dewanpers.or.id/data/perusahaanpers(documentary evidence attached)

Liputan6.com is also member of Indonesia Cyber Media Association or Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia (AMSI) (https://www.amsi.or.id/members/jakarta/)

In 2018, we created Cek Fakta Liputan6.com, https://www.liputan6.com/cek-fakta a special channel in our site that is dedicated to fighting hoax and fake news.

As a trusted media, Liputan6.com believes that it is our obligation to fight hoax and fake news in this post-truth era and helps our readers come closer to the truth.

Liputan6.com does believe that fighting hoax and fake news could not be done alone, that’s why we collaborate with other parties, media and civil society. 

Cek Fakta Liputan6.com is a member of Cek Fakta a collaborative fact-checking and verification project in collaboration with the Google News Initiative, the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI), the Indonesian Anti-Slander Society (Mafindo), the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), and Internews ( https://cekfakta.com/institusi/29)

On July 2, 2018 Cek Fakta Liputan6.com has been verified as International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) signatories. (https://ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/signatories)

We also collaborate with Facebook to battle hoaxes being circulated on its platform (https://www.facebook.com/help/publisher/182222309230722)

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Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Liputan6.com is an online media that is registered with the Indonesian Press Council, and a member of the Indonesian Cyber Media Association. 

It is also part of Cek Fakta, a collective fact-checking initiative in Indonesia: https://cekfakta.com/institusi/29 

Its website has a page dedicated to the fact-checking works: 

The staff working in its fact-checking department is listed here: 

done_all 1a marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Criterion 1b
Evidence required: Insert a link to the archive of fact checks published in the previous three months. If you do not collect all fact checks in one place, please explain how the fact-checking is conducted by your organization.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago)

Liputan6.com created a special channel for all content related to fact-checking, not only articles but also the videos: https://www.liputan6.com/cek-fakta

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Liputan6.com's special fact-checking section Cek Fakta can be accessed here: https://www.liputan6.com/cek-fakta

It lists stories that are less than 30 days old, but the page doesn't go beyond that. I did monitor the page from 20 June 2019 to 14 August 2019, Liputan6.com publishes reports almost daily on regular basis.  

done 1b marked as Partially compliant by Yenny K.

Section 2: Nonpartisanship and Fairness

Criterion 2a
Body of work sample
Evidence required: Please share links to ten fact checks that better represent the scope and consistency of your fact-checking. Provide a short explanation of how your organization strives to maintain coherent standards across fact checks.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

1. Fact-checking regarding a claim that foreign press had reported Prabowo Subianto would become the next president.


The fact-check article considered as a good example because it got more than three times as many engagements as the false claim.


2. Prabowo Subianto claims one million people were in Stadium Gelora Bung Karno at his rally on April 7, 2019.

Using MapCheking tool, Cek Fakta Liputan6 did fact check to his claim. (documentary proof attached)


3. An activist named Ratna Sarumpaet claimed that she was beaten up in a politically motivated assault. In fact, her facial injuries were post-cosmetic surgery bruising.


Cek Fakta Liputan6 also made a fact check video related to that issue:


4. A photo of sticker with 'Thank You, Pak Jokowi' remarks in Garuda Indonesia's airplane went viral. Our readers wanted to know if the information was true or false.


5. A man named Markus Firdaus was elected to lead Ministry of Religious Affairs' office in Gresik, East Java. Hoax wildly circulated in social media that he was non-Muslim. There are so many claims related to religious sentiment in Indonesia that can bring negative impact to society.


6. A hoax maker using video simulation from ThreatCloud to claim that General Election Commission (KPU)'s server was being targeted by foreign hackers.


7. Hoax/misinformation related health issue is wildly circulated in social media and consumed by Indonesian netizen, including this claim: 


8. There are some prominent public figures being used to spread hoax and fake news, including BJ Habibie (former President of Indonesia) and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


9. Majority of hoaxes and false news during Presidential Election 2019 were targeting the incumbent, but as an expression of our neutrality, we also did fact-check to some claims targeting the opposition. Our readers wanted to know if the information was true or false. They asked us to do fact-check through email: cekfakta.liputan6@kly.id (documentary proof attached)


10. Cek Fakta Liputan6 participated in the very first time collaborating Live Fact-Checking in Indonesia, during presidential debates ahead of Presidential Election on April 17, 2019, in collaboration with 17 news media and civil societies.


Cek Fakta Liputan6.com maintains coherent standards in every fact-check articles: we use the same methodology, the same format, and would never give a rating/conclusion before finding strong evidences.

Cek Fakta Liputan6.com verifies claims that are viral on social media and messaging applications, as well as readers input through our specific email: cekfakta.liputan6@kly.id

The verification is prioritized on claims relating to the public interest which are urgent, and potentially divisive, such as when a disaster or a major accident occurs.

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Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The applicant fact-checks claims targeting different players in Indonesian politics -- include the two presidential candidates in this year's election, incumbent President Joko Widodo and his challenger Prabowo Subianto. The assessments use the same standard, and mention the reach or impact of the claim on social media. 

Its fact-checking methodology is laid out here: https://www.liputan6.com/info/metode-cek-fakta

done_all 2a marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Criterion 2b
Nonpartisanship policy
Evidence required: Please share evidence of your policy preventing staff from direct involvement in political parties and advocacy organizations. Please also indicate the policy your organization has as a whole regarding advocacy and supporting political candidates.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Liputan6.com does not carry any political interests and stand above and for all groups. It is non-partisan. http://www.liputan6.com/pages/tentang-kami

Reporters, editors, photographers and all members of the news staff of Liputan6.com should not be involved with any political party.

However, that terms are actually has not been mentioned on Journalistic Code of Ethics established by the Press Council

(documentary proof attached)

To keep our independent and neutrality, all of the news staffer or Liputan6.com has to subject Journalistic Code of Ethics established by the Press Council through Press Council Regulation Number: 6 / Regulation-DP / V / 2008 About Ratification of Press Council Decree Number 03 / SK-DP / III / 2006 on Journalism Code of Ethics Press Council Regulation.


Article 1

Indonesian journalists are independent in producing accurate and balanced news to devoid any malicious intention.


A. Independent, meaning representing events or facts according to self-conscience without interference, coercion, and intervention from other parties including owners of press companies.

B. Accurate, meaning to be trustworthy as in adherence to the objective circumstances when the events occur.

C. Balance, meaning that all parties have equal opportunity.

D. Devoid any malicious intention, meaning no intention to deliberately and solely cause any harms to others.

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Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The parent company states it is non-partisan. The About Us section – here: http://www.liputan6.com/pages/tentang-kami – states: "Liputan6.com doesn't work for any political leanings and stands above and for all groups, and non-partisan."

The applicant also told the assessor that his news staff members are not allowed to be involved with any political party. 

done_all 2b marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Section 3: Transparency of Sources

Criterion 3a
Sources Policy
Please share a brief and public explanation (500 words max) of how sources are provided in enough detail that readers could replicate the fact check. If you have a public policy on how you find and use sources for your fact-checking, it should be shared here.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Cek Fakta Liputan6.com realizes that fighting hoaxes and fake news cannot only be done by the media and fact-checkers, but also must involve the wider community.

Cek Fakta Liputan6.com seeks to create a habit among readers and internet users, to be critical in receiving information, and not easily provoked to spread hoaxes, or confusing information.

That is why we present fact check articles systematically and structurally, starting from the presentation of claims, the elaboration of evidence, to ratings or conclusions.

The source of evidence used in the fact check is also mentioned in detail so that readers can carry out the fact check process independently.

Here are the rules for searching various sources and evidence by Cek Fakta Liputan6.com:

1. The articles of Cek Fakta Liputan6.com always include links to related evidence that supports or refutes claims, including official social media from related parties or mainstream media coverage, by first checking the authenticity of the sources.

2. Cek Fakta Liputan6.com confirms or clarifies to parties or the authorities mentioned in the claim.

3. Cek Fakta Liputan6.com seeks to complete photo/documentary evidence related to documents that are not available on the internet.

4. Cek Fakta Liputan6.com does not connect the contents of the article to the hoax or disinformation source link, so as not to amplify (raise) the source of the hoax.

5. If possible, Cek Fakta Liputan6.com will use a number of tools on the Internet to complete verification, for example Google Reverse Images to check the authenticity of photos or videos, and Mapchecking to check the density of humans in certain locations.

We will show how to use these tools, so that the process can be replicated by our readers.

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

In the fact-check reports, the applicant puts screenshots of the claims (usually Facebook posts),but not put the original link. It says: "Cek Fakta Liputan6.com does not connect the contents of the article to the hoax or disinformation source link, so as not to amplify (raise) the source of the hoax." Apart from that, the applicant puts links and/or references of the sources it uses to debunk the claim. 

Sources used to debunk include, though not exclusively, mainstream media and other reputable sources, and the links to the sources allow readers to replicate the fact-check. 

done_all 3a marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Section 4: Transparency of Funding & Organization

Criterion 4a
Funding Sources
Evidence required: Please link to the section where you publicly list your sources of funding (including, if they exist, any rules around which types of funding you do or don't accept), or a statement on ownership if you are the branch of an established media organization or research institution.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

On August 24th, 2000, Liputan6.com was initially owned and operated by SCTV, a subsidiary television of PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (SCM/http://www.scm.co.id/).

Since 24 May 2012, Liputan6.com was transferred into another company, PT Kreatif Media Karya (KMK).

PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (Emtek) (www.emtek.co.id), owns 99.99% of KMK. Owners Equity about IDR  55.749 billion or US$ 4,005 million (USD  1 = IDR 13,920.46 )

In adherence to the new regulation issued by Dewan Pers Indonesia, since 14 March 2016, the portal of Liputan6.com is owned and operated by PT Liputan Enam Dot Com, a subsidiary of KMK which holds 99.99% ownership.

As of March 2018, the operations of PT Liputan Enam Dot Com are under PT Kapan Lagi Dot Com Networks which controls 99.99% of the shares. Owners Equity about IDR 800 million or US$  57,460 (USD 1 = IDR 13,920.46 ). Nowadays, PT Kapan Lagi Dot Com Networks is a subsidiary of SCM.

SCM engages mainly in activities related to multimedia services. The company is domiciled in SCTV Tower - Senayan City, Jalan Asia Afrika Lot 19, Jakarta 10270. The company started its commercial operations in 2002. The link below is financial statement of SCM (IDX: SCMA)


PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk is the ultimate parent entity of the company and its subsidiaries. A company listed at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (www.emtek.co.id). The link below is financial statement of Emtek (IDX: EMTK)


Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The applicant, Liputan6.com, submits the history of its owners and shares of ownership. As of March 2018, it says, PT Kapan Lagi Dot Com Networks controls nearly 100% of its shares. It also says that PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk, one of Indonesia's biggest media conglomerate companies, is the "ultimate" parent entity of Liputan6.com. 

However, it doesn't offer details of its funding, such as overall budget, income sources and expenditures. 

done 4a marked as Partially compliant by Yenny K.

Criterion 4b
Evidence required: Please link to the section detailing all authors and key actors behind your fact-checking project with their biographies. You can also list the name and bios of the members of the editorial board, pool of experts, advisory board, etc. if your organization has those.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago)

The process of fact-checking is being carried out by Fact-Checker Team that consists of 3 persons (https://www.liputan6.com/info/redaksi):

1. Hanz Jimenez Salim

Editor with 7 years of journalism experience at Liputan6.com. He is trained fact-checker who was participated in the very first time collaborating Live Fact-Checking in Indonesia, during presidential debates ahead of Presidential Election on April 17, 2019.


2. Anri Syaiful

Deputy Managing Editor with 22 years of journalism experience at 5 media companies. Starting his career as an investigative journalist for Media Indonesia newspaper in 1997, Anri Syaiful currently oversees the Cek Fakta Liputan6.com.


3. Diyah Naelufar

Researcher with 2 years journalism experience at research companies and 3 years experience at Liputan6.com. She's been the backbone of Cek Fakta Liputan6.com since 2018.


Daily activities of Cek Fakta Liputan6.com is being assisted by this journalist/writer:

Devira Prastiwi

Journalist/Writer with 5 years journalism experience at Liputan6.com.


Cek Fakta Liputan6.com activity is under supervision by:

1. Irna Gustiawati

Editor in Chief Liputan6.com with 18 years of journalism experience at 3 media companies.


2. Elin Yunita Kristanti

A Fact-checker and Deputy Editor in Chief of Liputan6.com with 13 years of journalism experience at 3 media companies.


Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The names of the organization's authors authors and key actors, e.g. editorial team, are clearly listed and their bios and roles are available and clearly listed. 

The names of the fact-checking division is listed here, along with the rest of the editorial team.  

The applicant also gave additional information on two senior editors who supervise the fact-checking division.  

done_all 4b marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Criterion 4c
Evidence required: Please link to the section where readers can get in touch with the organization.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago)

The readers of Liputan6.com shall be able to reach us at: Email address: redaksi.liputan6@kly.id, marketing@kly.id

Email address for Cek Fakta Liputan6.com: cekfakta.liputan6@kly.id

Facsimile number: 021 - 722 9697

Telephone number: 021 - 722 9681, 021 - 319 04555 Ext.502

Website: http://www.liputan6.com/info/contact

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

On its "Fact-Checking Method" page – here https://www.liputan6.com/pages/metode-cek-fakta – the applicant lists its email address, cekfakta@liputan6.com, for readers to send suggestions and comments.

Listing it under "Fact-Checking Method" page is not very intuitive for general readers, however. 

The applicant also lists phone numbers and the news desk's general email address on the Contact page here: https://www.liputan6.com/info/contact. I strongly recommend to list Cek Fakta's email address and other contact details on the Contact page. 

done 4c marked as Partially compliant by Yenny K.

Section 5: Transparency of Methodology

Criterion 5a
Detailed Methodology
Evidence required: Please link to a section or article detailing the steps you follow for your fact-checking work.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago


1. The claim selection process to be verified

Cek Fakta Liputan6.com verifies claims that are viral on social media and messaging apps, as well as from reader's input through its specific email address, cekfakta.liputan6@kly.id.

The verification is prioritized on claims relating to the public interest which are urgent, and potentially divisive, such as when a disaster or a major accident occurs.

2. Fact check research

Research will be carried out with various methodologies as follows:

- Check the source or origin of the claim. As one of Facebook's partners in Indonesia, Liputan6.com has access to a special dashboard to monitor what news is viral on social media.

- If the news source comes from social media, the team will check the account (is it verified, how about its consistency).

- Check the claim by comparing it with the news by mainstream media, the official websites of the relevant institutions, or the official social media accounts of the institution or related figure.

- Confirm directly to the figure or representative of the institution who is the target of the hoax, also to the authorities.

- Contact experts to help interpret data or the context of the problem.

- Do not use anonymous sources to do data verification.

- Use a number of tools available on the internet, for example, Google Reverse Images to test the authenticity of images, and MapChecking to test claims about human density in a particular location.

3. Fact check article format

Articles which has been verified on fact check channel of Liputan6.com are presented in the following format:

- Claim: The first part of the article will discuss the source of the claim and the narrative expressed by the claimant.

- Tracing facts: The second part of the article seeks to compare certain claims with the evidence found, as well as confirmation from related parties or authorities. Cek Fakta Liputan6.com seeks to provide literacy to readers by linking articles to official social media sites or accounts that are used as evidence.

In all Fact Check articles published by Liputan6.com, it also contains how to use tools available on the internet, which can be used to verify certain claims. This is done as an effort to provide literacy for readers to fight hoaxes.

- Claim conclusions/Rating

After the verification process is carried out, by including supporting evidences, the team of Fact Check channel will provide conclusions regarding the claims examined.

There are five rating categories that we use:

- TRUE: Claims are proven accurate, supported by a number of evidences that can be justified.

- CLARIFICATION: Contains clarification from relevant parties of certain claims.

- DISINFORMATION: Claims are based on facts or data that are correct, but are accompanied by a false or misleading narrative.

- FALSE: Claims are not based on evidence that can be accounted for.

- HOAX: Not at all based on evidence that can be accounted for, claims indicated intentionally exhaled by certain parties to achieve certain goals.

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The organization explains its fact-checking methodology on its website, under the section Metode Cek Fakta (Fact-check Methods): https://www.liputan6.com/info/metode-cek-fakta

The methodology is explained in quite great detail, from how they find the claims, check the claims, and also the format of the fact-checks. 

done_all 5a marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Criterion 5b
Claim submissions
Evidence required: Please link to the page or process through which readers can submit claims to fact-check. If you do not allow this, please briefly explain why.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The readers of Liputan6.com shall be able to reach us at: http://www.liputan6.com/info/form-pengaduan or email: cekfakta@liputan6.com

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

At the end of its "Fact-checking Method" page – https://www.liputan6.com/pages/metode-cek-fakta – the applicant lists its email address, cekfakta@liputan6.com, for readers to send suggestions and comments, but there is no dedicated section/call for actionfor readers to send claims. 

done 5b marked as Partially compliant by Yenny K.

Section 6: Open & Honest Corrections Policy

Criterion 6a
Corrections policy
Evidence required: Please link to the page with your policy to address corrections. If it is not public, please share your organization's handbook.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Our policies on verification, news balance, correction, and the rights to response refer to the Cyber Media Guidelines as posted on the Liputan6.com website: http://www.liputan6.com/info/pedoman-media-siber

According to that guidelines, we have to put the correction and apologize in the article when there was any inaccuracy in term of content, writing, or misquote. 

We also publish step by step about how readers use their right of Right of Reply and Correction of News.


Here, the translation of our policy regarding to Right of Reply and Correction of News

This procedure is used as a reference and guide in dealing with Right of Reply, Corrections or Complaints from readers.

Right of Reply, Corrections or Complaints are responses related to all content posted on the Liputan6.com.

Handling for Right of Reply, Correction of News or Complaints is carried out as follows:

Readers can convey via:

- The Complaint Form can be downloaded at https://www.liputan6.com/info/form-pengaduan

- Please send email to redaksi.liputan6@kly.id with Subject: Right of Reply or News Correction

- Or by mail to SCTV Tower 14th floor/Jl. Asia Afrika Lot 19/Senayan City/Jakarta 10270/Indonesia

- Readers can also send mail to JL RP Soeroso 18/Gondangdia Menteng/Jakarta Pusat 10330/Indonesia

Fax: 021 - 722 9697

Phone: 021 - 722 9690

Phone: 021 - 31904555 Ext. 502

- Readers must include an official identity, either in the form of a National ID Card (KTP) or telephone/cellphone number that can be contacted, and provide valid facts for the Right of Reply, Corrections to the News or Complaints submitted.

- All Answering Rights, Correction of News or Complaints must be completed within 2 X 24 hours after the report is received

-  The time period in the third point above, does not apply to problems related to legal issues, such as subpoena and others.

- Complaints and Corrections News that has been made will later be published on www.Liputan6.com with titles using Koreksi (News Correction) or Hak Jawab (Right of Reply).

And, this is our standard operation procedure to responds answering rights, correction of news, and complaints from our readers or other parties. 

1. Corrections to articles are made on reports from outsiders or if inaccuracies in the content are found (any inaccuracy in term of content, writing, or mis-quote).

2. Revisions, corrections or right of reply must be linked to news that is rectified, corrected or given the right to answer.

3. If changes are made to the title of the article, the word 'Update' or 'Koreksi Berita' or 'Hak Jawab' must be added in the title.

4. At the end of the corrected article, information must be added that indicates the article has been corrected.

5. News that has been published cannot be revoked for reasons of censorship from outside the editor, except related to racial issues, decency, the future of the child, traumatic experiences of the victim or based on other special considerations determined by the Press Council.

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The applicant has a public corrections policy that applies across the organization, and explains how its readers or audience can request a correction. 

Its guidelines are based on the Press Council guidelines, which is laid out on here: 
https://www.liputan6.com/info/pedoman-media-siber. It also says complaints will be handled within 48 hours. 

Its correction, as well as right of reply, policy can be accessed here: 

Its website also includes a form to file a complaint: https://www.liputan6.com/info/form-pengaduan

done_all 6a marked as Fully compliant by Yenny K.

Criterion 6b
Examples of corrections
Evidence required: Please provide two examples of a correction made, or correction requests handled, in the past year.

Cek Fakta - Liputan 6
18-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

1. Liputan6.com wrote two articles and relased a video related to the news of Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo donating Rp 21.7 billion to the Palestinian people.

The title of the article is "Demi Ringankan Beban Palestina, Cristiano Ronaldo Sumbang Rp 21,7 Miliar" and "Cristiano Ronaldo Sumbang Rp 21,7 Miliar Bantu Palestina Selama Ramadan".



Both articles quoted a publication from PressTV.com, the site of a news television station affiliated with the Iranian state broadcasting agency, IRIB.

However, based on the investigation by Maarten Schenk from the fact checking site Leadstories.com, which was quoted on Friday (6/21/2019), information about donations given by Ronaldo to Palestine was confirmed to be false.

Steps taken by Liputan6.com:

- Made an article that clarifies the news of Cristiano Ronaldo is donating money to the Palestinian people is a hoax, according to the article published on Leadstories.com.

- We correct the title of the previous article and add the word 'Update' or 'Koreksi Berita' in front of it:


- Add information that indicates that the article has been edited.

Format: * (asterisk) and information must be in bold type

- Meanwhile, for the video, we decided to take it down, because the correction process for multimedia content is more complicated than the article.

2. Liputan6.com wrote an article about Indonesia military or TNI official who was reported to the National Police Bareskrim for alleged treason.

The article has been published on our site, but there has been no response from the reported party.


Steps taken by Liputan6.com

- Add the attorney's reported information to the first news

- Add article links about attorney's reported responses to previous news.

- Add information that indicates that the article has been edited.

Format: * (asterisk) and information must be in bold type

- Because there were no title changes, we did not add the word 'Update' or 'Koreksi Berita' to the title.

Yenny K Assessor
20-Jul-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

The applicant provided 2 examples, but only one was a correction. It's a story published by Liputan6.com (but not the fact-check desk) about Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo who was claimed to have given a 21.7 billion rupiah donation to the Palestinian people during the month of Ramadan. The story turned out to be a hoax, and the organization made a correction on two stories published on the issue, which include a correction line at the end of the report and an updated headline (one added the word "Update" and the other "Correction"). 



The other example provided wasn't a corrected article, but an update. It's also a story published by Liputan6.com (not the fact-check desk) about a retired general who was arrested for alleged treason. The story was later updated with a rebuttal from the former general's lawyers. The story does provide an explanation at the end of the report about the lawyers' response.  


done 6b marked as Partially compliant by Yenny K.