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Organization: Chequeado
Applicant: Martín Slipczuk
Assessor: Ramón Salaverría
Conclusion and recommendations
on 28-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Ramón Salaverría wrote:

According to my assessment, Chequeado fully complies with all the criteria of the IFCN Code of Principles. I recommend to ACCEPT their application.

on 28-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Ramón Salaverría recommended Accept

Section 1: Organization

Criterion 1a
Proof of registration
Evidence required: Please provide evidence that the signatory is a legally-registered organization set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking or the distinct fact-checking project of a recognized media house or research institution.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Chequeado is a non profit organization, whose aim is to provide reliable and relevant data on public debate subjects. For this, since its launch in 2010, it regularly publishes fact checks, as well as pieces in other formats, that help provide evidence for citizens decision making. Chequeado is based in Buenos Aires, from where it conducts its journalistic work, as well as an educational program to stimulate critical thinking and an innovation program to try new formats with greater impact and develop automatization tools for fact checking.

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Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado is a well established news organization in Argentina, devoted to fact-checking and debunking of missinformation. It was set up in 2010 by a fundation, called Fundación La Voz Pública para la Verificación del Discurso Público, which was legallly registered in September of 2010.

done_all 1a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 1b
Evidence required: Insert a link to the archive of fact checks published in the previous three months. If you do not collect all fact checks in one place, please explain how the fact-checking is conducted by your organization.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Chequeado regularly publishes fact checks on its website, as well as presenting them in weekly columns in three national media. It also posts the information in social media, sometimes in specific formats as GIFs. We fact check opinions leaders, politicians, journalists, business people, social leaders and others. We also debunk viral misinformation that circulates in social media.

The fact checks are published here:


The debunking of viral misinformation is published here:


Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

According to the assessment made of the last three months (Jan.-Mar. 2019), Chequeado publishes on average 3-4 fact-checks per week. When events of special relevance take place, such as important political announcements or public debates, tens of fact-checks can be published in just one day. On the period assessed, there has been no week with at least one fact check published.

done_all 1b marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 2: Nonpartisanship and Fairness

Criterion 2a
Body of work sample
Evidence required: Please share links to ten fact checks that better represent the scope and consistency of your fact-checking. Provide a short explanation of how your organization strives to maintain coherent standards across fact checks.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Chequeado is committed to non partisanship since its beginning. The claims that are fact checked are selected according to their impact and relevance, and cover all relevant members of a debate. We have a public method, which includes asking the person who is being fact checked about the source of their information, which assures us each person has the same possibility to answer, and their claim will have the same treatment, as we follow the same method in all cases (the method can be seen here: https://chequeado.com/metodo/ )

The balance can bee seen in this selection of pieces in which Chequeado fact checked members of the governing party, and the main opposition parties.











Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Since the beginning of its fact-checking service, in 2010, Chequeado covers mainly national politics, but also verifies public statements in a number of topics, such as social issues, economics and environment. In front of all these issues, Chequeado does not unduly concentrate on one side of the question analyzed; on the contrary, it strives to provide unbiased and accountable information, in order to allow their users to get a clear and contextualized understanding of the issues.

done_all 2a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 2b
Nonpartisanship policy
Evidence required: Please share evidence of your policy preventing staff from direct involvement in political parties and advocacy organizations. Please also indicate the policy your organization has as a whole regarding advocacy and supporting political candidates.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Intellectual honesty is a requirement to work in Chequeado. Each member of the team might have political opinions, but these can not influence the content they produce. Having editorial meetings in which the claims to be fact checked are decided, so no one can decide by themselves on what will be fact checked, helps to keep the fairness, as does having a method which has to be followed and having to back up each part of the piece with evidence. Also, pieces are edited by at least two people which also helps prevent a biased perspective from being published. Chequeado does not endorse political candidates, the only advocacy it does is to have better open data and more transparency. We do not accept fund of public servants or Argentine government agencies, and board members can not have a governmental job. We disclose any possible conflict of interest, as is the case of our executive director, Laura Zommer, who is married to the mayor of a city in the Province of Buenos Aires. 

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado has a clear and sound policy to avoid partisanship. The way it picks the topics to be fact-checked is based on their public relevance, not in an unduly treatment of information. Chequeado has not ever supported a candidate in any election nor advocate or take partisan positions on any issues, except on its commitment to public transparence. 

done_all 2b marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 3: Transparency of Sources

Criterion 3a
Sources Policy
Please share a brief and public explanation (500 words max) of how sources are provided in enough detail that readers could replicate the fact check. If you have a public policy on how you find and use sources for your fact-checking, it should be shared here.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Chequeado has open sources and is as transparent as possible about where the information comes from. The eight steps method we use is published on our website, so anyone can see if we have followed through. When the person who has been fact checked does not answer us, we state this in the piece, and each time a specialist is quoted we inform of any possible conflict of interest to the best of our knowledge (for example if they worked for a previous administration). If we use databases or reports, we link them, and if we produced special databases for the piece we open them so anyone can use them in the future. We monitor the sources we use so that we are balanced in the long term in terms of public and private institutions, NGOs or other criteria, and. Since this year, we are striving to achieve a balances in gender among the specialists we quote. 

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado's fact-checks are consistently backed with links to reliable sources of data, and when there is an aspect that can't be backed with links or databases, expert sources are consulted and disclosed to back the fact-checks

done_all 3a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 4: Transparency of Funding & Organization

Criterion 4a
Funding Sources
Evidence required: Please link to the section where you publicly list your sources of funding (including, if they exist, any rules around which types of funding you do or don't accept), or a statement on ownership if you are the branch of an established media organization or research institution.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Chequeado works to have a diversified funding and it publishes the different sources, with the names of people, companies and organizations that donate to it. We also publish our annual budget and our annual balance with the details of the funds we receive. We do not accept funding from argentine governments or political parties.



Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado is a non-governmental news organization, owned by a non-partisan, not-for-profit foundation. On its website it dicloses detailed information about it ownership and and funding scheme.

done_all 4a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 4b
Evidence required: Please link to the section detailing all authors and key actors behind your fact-checking project with their biographies. You can also list the name and bios of the members of the editorial board, pool of experts, advisory board, etc. if your organization has those.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

All the names and short bios of the team are published, as well as those of the authorities of the organisation.



Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado provides detailed, clear and easy-to-reach information about its funding and board members, as well as of its staff members.

done_all 4b marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 4c
Evidence required: Please link to the section where readers can get in touch with the organization.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Readers can contact us via social media, send us a private email through our contact form https://chequeado.com/contacto, as well as through chequeado.com/colectivo and via our WhatsApp number (+54 9 11 3679-0690)

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Users can easily contact Chequeado trough different means, such as a contact form, different social media platforms, and staff members' emails, which are openly disclosed. In addition, users can send their fact-checking proposals, through a specific section of the website, called Chequeo Colectivo.

done_all 4c marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 5: Transparency of Methodology

Criterion 5a
Detailed Methodology
Evidence required: Please link to a section or article detailing the steps you follow for your fact-checking work.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Our methodology for fact checking public figures and our methodology to debunk viral misinformation are available here


Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado's fact-checking methodology is sound and reliable, consistently applied and clearly disclosed on its website. In addition, on the same page it also explains the methodology used for exposing viral misinformation.

done_all 5a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 5b
Claim submissions
Evidence required: Please link to the page or process through which readers can submit claims to fact-check. If you do not allow this, please briefly explain why.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

We have a platform to receive suggestions from reader that is called Chequeo Colectivo (http://chequeado.com/colectivo/) where we answer and classify the suggestions according to whether they have already been fact checked, if it is in process or if it can not be fact checked.

We also receive emails through our contact form with suggestions and we have a WhatsApp line were our readers can send us suggestions. We can also be reached in social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. 

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado allows users to send claims and corrections through different means of contact. It has a section, called Chequeo Colectivo, where it actively invites users to contribute with their ideas and suggested topics to be fact-checked.

done_all 5b marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 6: Open & Honest Corrections Policy

Criterion 6a
Corrections policy
Evidence required: Please link to the page with your policy to address corrections. If it is not public, please share your organization's handbook.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

Our correction policy is part of our method and it can be found here


Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Chequeado allows users to send claims and corrections through different means of contact. In case a mistake has been found by anyone, Chequeado commits itself to responding to these claims in less than 48 hours.

done_all 6a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 6b
Examples of corrections
Evidence required: Please provide two examples of a correction made, or correction requests handled, in the past year.

13-Mar-2019 (5 years ago)

In this piece, we originally stated that the government of Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989) did not have a majority in the house or the Senate when actually it did have a majority in the House of Representatives. We corrected the information and stated the change in the piece: https://chequeado.com/ultimas-noticias/macri-somos-el-primer-gobierno-en-100-anos-que-pasa-todo-su-mandato-en-minoria/

In other cases, when we have a correction request with no bases, we answer publicly, as we did in this case with the Security Ministry who asked us to change the rating of one of our fact checks. We publicly clarified what she had asked for and why we did not change it


Ramón Salaverría Assessor
22-Mar-2019 (5 years ago) Updated: 5 years ago

Where a correction had to be made to fact-checks, Chequeado has provided a clear correction statement in that same page. In addition, it has a public page that lists the updates and corrections (Actualizaciones y correcciones) made over the last few years. 

done_all 6b marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.