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Organization: Cotejo.Info
Applicant: Andres Cañizalez
Assessor: Ramón Salaverría
Edits made by the organization after this assessment

IFCN Staff wrote:

We reorganize the archives of the articles in the site.

We also offer more institutional information. There are now team bios, a brief explanation about financing, etc......

Conclusion and recommendations
on 17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

Ramón Salaverría wrote:

Several criteria have been just partially fullfilled. Although this assessor acknowledges the special difficulties to meet all the principles of IFCN Code in a country like Venezuela, where journalists work under hard pressures, there are several aspects of Cotejo.info that could be relatively easily improved, without putting in risk the staff behind this project. We kindly invite Cotejo.info to improve their website according to the assessment detailed below. After improving these details, Cotejo.info is invited to re-submit the application, in order to get the finall acceptance.

on 17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

Ramón Salaverría recommended Accept with edits

Section 1: Organization

Criterion 1a
Proof of registration
Evidence required: Please provide evidence that the signatory is a legally-registered organization set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking or the distinct fact-checking project of a recognized media house or research institution.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

We are registered as a non-profit civil association. Objective: fact-cheking journalism

Files Attached
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Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

Set up legally in May 2019, Cotejo.info is a Venezuelan non-profit news organization devoted mainly to fact-checking, investigative reporting and debunking of missinformation. It embraces also some additional connected activities, such as training programs for journalists. Cotejo.info is a project launched by independent journalists and media scholars. The applicant has provided document proof of its legal entity.

done_all 1a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 1b
Evidence required: Insert a link to the archive of fact checks published in the previous three months. If you do not collect all fact checks in one place, please explain how the fact-checking is conducted by your organization.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Over the three months (Sept.-Nov. 2019) considered for this assessment, Cotejo.info published 16 'brief fact-checks' (cotejos breves), 3 'deep fact-cheks' (cotejado a fondo), 1 regional fact-check (cotejos regionales) and 1 'diaspora fact-check' (cotejo diáspora); that is, a total amount of 21 fact-checks over a period of 13 weeks. Athough this amount meets the requirement of an average of at least one fact-check per week over the past three months, the truth is that there have been several weeks without any fact-check published. In order to fully comply with the criterion 1b of the IFCN Code of Principles, Cotejo.info editors are invited to observe a more systematic publishing cycle. They are also invited to organize their fact-checks in a more structured and archive.

done 1b marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 2: Nonpartisanship and Fairness

Criterion 2a
Body of work sample
Evidence required: Please share links to ten fact checks that better represent the scope and consistency of your fact-checking. Provide a short explanation of how your organization strives to maintain coherent standards across fact checks.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Since the beginning of its fact-checking service, Cotejo.info has focused mainly on the troublesome national politics of Venezuela, without leaving aside sometimes other topics such as social issues and economics. As Venezuelan journalists work under hard pressures from the Government, which have been repeatedly denounced by international organizations such as the Inter-American Press Association, the applicant shows in its fact-checks a critical position against the autoritarian leaders of Venezuela; however, it does so by providing thoroughly backed and accountable information. Nevertheless, the fair journalism of Cotejo.info could be strengthen by checking additional statements of the opposition leaders.This has been barely done so far, which lead us to assess this criterion as partially fulfilled.

done 2a marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 2b
Nonpartisanship policy
Evidence required: Please share evidence of your policy preventing staff from direct involvement in political parties and advocacy organizations. Please also indicate the policy your organization has as a whole regarding advocacy and supporting political candidates.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
In our statutes we define ourselves as an association of independent journalists. We have no ties with political organizations and none of the journalists has political ties
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Cotejo.info has a clear and sound policy to avoid partisanship, expressed in a fully disclosed code of principles (Principios editoriales). Despite its critical position against the abuses of Venezuelan government, Cotejo.info has not ever supported a candidate in any election nor advocate or take partisan positions on any issues.

done_all 2b marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 3: Transparency of Sources

Criterion 3a
Sources Policy
Please share a brief and public explanation (500 words max) of how sources are provided in enough detail that readers could replicate the fact check. If you have a public policy on how you find and use sources for your fact-checking, it should be shared here.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
In Cotejo.Info we verify the public discourse. We use public speeches as raw material to apply the journalistic methodology of fact verification. All sources of contrast we use are public. We have a public set of journalistic principles and ethical values.
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Cotejo.info consistently backs the fact-checks with links to reliable sources of data. It can be highlighted that providing reliable background to news is a particularly difficult task in Venezuela, where many public issues suffer a lack of trustworthy statistics or independent sources.

done_all 3a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 4: Transparency of Funding & Organization

Criterion 4a
Funding Sources
Evidence required: Please link to the section where you publicly list your sources of funding (including, if they exist, any rules around which types of funding you do or don't accept), or a statement on ownership if you are the branch of an established media organization or research institution.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Cotejo.Info works as a partner financed by Medianalisis (www.medianalisis.org). Medianalisis financing comes from the United States, but because the Venezuelan government punishes this type of financing, our decision is not to make it public for security reasons.
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

In its 'about us' page (Quiénes somos),the applicant discloses that it has been promoted by Asociación Civil Medianálisis, a non-profit association commited to media freedom in Venezuela. However, it does not disclose the origins of the fundings of both non-profit organizations. In support of their decision, applicants argue security reasons: a full disclosure of the fundings could lead to punishment from Venezuelan government. Although these circumstances are understandable, all in all, a bit more clarification would be advisable in this section.

done 4a marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 4b
Evidence required: Please link to the section detailing all authors and key actors behind your fact-checking project with their biographies. You can also list the name and bios of the members of the editorial board, pool of experts, advisory board, etc. if your organization has those.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

In each article there is a bio of each author and his photograph. Here are two examples:



There is also information on the history of the Cotejo.Info and a public list of its work team:



Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Cotejo.info provides detailed, clear and easy-to-reach information about the authors of fact-checks in each news. In addition, a list of the funding and staff members as well as the history of the project are also provided. The information could be improved by providing a brief biography of the members, instead of a simple list of names, in the 'about us' page.

done 4b marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 4c
Evidence required: Please link to the section where readers can get in touch with the organization.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Users can easily contact Colombiacheck through different means, such as a contact form and different social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram). Staff members' Twitter accounts are openly disclosed. Nevertheless, several fact-cheks show anonymous authorship, under the name 'Cotejo newsroom' (Redacción Cotejo). In order to strengthen the accountability, we kindly suggest Cotejo.info's editors to refrain from this practice.

done 4c marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 5: Transparency of Methodology

Criterion 5a
Detailed Methodology
Evidence required: Please link to a section or article detailing the steps you follow for your fact-checking work.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Cotejo.info's fact-checking methodology is sound and reliable. It is consistently applied and clearly disclosed on its website.

done_all 5a marked as Fully compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 5b
Claim submissions
Evidence required: Please link to the page or process through which readers can submit claims to fact-check. If you do not allow this, please briefly explain why.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The openness of Cotejo.info to readers' claims could be improved. There is just a generic 'Contact' page (Contacto), without any specific indication about the claiming procedure and time of response. The applicant is kindly invited to improve this aspect.

done 5b marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 6: Open & Honest Corrections Policy

Criterion 6a
Corrections policy
Evidence required: Please link to the page with your policy to address corrections. If it is not public, please share your organization's handbook.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Cotejo.info informs readers about their correction policy (Editorial Policy point 6) However, it does not fully comply with the requirements of this criterion, as it lacks detail as regards the timeframe for the handling of the corrections requests. This aspect should be fixed in the information provided to website users.

done 6a marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criterion 6b
Examples of corrections
Evidence required: Please provide two examples of a correction made, or correction requests handled, in the past year.

01-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)
We have not received corrections requests. So far we have not detected problems that should be corrected after publishing the article
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
17-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

This aspect is assessed as partially compliant because this assessor has concerns about the reasons why Cotejo.info has not received any corrections requests so far. Of course, this well may be related to the accuracy of the organization in their fact checking methodology. However, according to what it has been pointed out in criterion 5b, this assessor fears that it may also be related to the lack of clarity to submit corrections by the readers. This is an additional reason to kindly request a significant improvement of this aspect to Cotejo.info. Once the weaknesses indicated in 5b is properly fixed, this criterion will be also validated as fully compliant.

done 6b marked as Partially compliant by Ramón Salaverría.