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Organization: Faktoje.al
Applicant: Klodiana Kapo
Assessor: Jeton Mehmeti
Conclusion and recommendations
on 19-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

Jeton Mehmeti wrote:

The applicant is legally registered as a non-governmental media organization whose mission is fact-checking of public statements. At least four fact-checks per week are produced covering a variety of topics that are relevant for the society. In terms of transparency, the website provides sufficient information about the editorial and board members. The research methodology and correction policy applied by the organization are also well explained. Overall, the organization provides an invaluable contribution to the society by holding public officials accountable for their words and actions. As it is normally the case, an organization that works on increasing the level of transparency should uphold transparency standards too. In this regard, it is recommended that the applicant provides more information about its funding. During this assessment, only the names of the donors were found in their website, while the amount of its recent grant was shared only to IFCN. I recommend the applicant to make the financial audit report available in their website. 

on 19-Dec-2019 (4 years ago)

Jeton Mehmeti recommended Accept

Section 1: Organization

Criterion 1a
Proof of registration
Evidence required: Please provide evidence that the signatory is a legally-registered organization set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking or the distinct fact-checking project of a recognized media house or research institution.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Faktoje.al is breaking new ground with the establishment of the first Albanian fact-checking service at a time when the media situation in the country has been under extreme pressure by political and business interests. At the same time, online media has been expanding exponentially, but without clear ethical or regulatory standards. Operating in this environment has been challenging for us, and explains our passion for challenging the status quo and laying out the ambitous plan. 

Faktoje is committed to becoming a fully accredited member of the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) and embraces its groundbreaking Code of Principles.


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Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The applicant has provided evidence that is it legally registered in Albania and has attained a business identification number from the Ministry of Finances. The court decision provided here shows that Faktoje has been registered as a non-profit organization, whose main activity is verification of public statements at national and local level.   

done_all 1a marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Criterion 1b
Evidence required: Insert a link to the archive of fact checks published in the previous three months. If you do not collect all fact checks in one place, please explain how the fact-checking is conducted by your organization.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago
Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Faktoje has categorized its 'fact-o-meter' into four categories: true statement, semi-true statement, untrue statement and without a category statement. Furthermore, Faktoje has a separate section for fulfilled promises and unfulfilled promises. The applicant appears to have published at least one fact-check per week over over the past three months (October- December 2019). The main page of the website allows you to see only the last ten fact-checks which appear by the date of publication. For more fact-checks you have to click on the category of statement one by one.    

done_all 1b marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Section 2: Nonpartisanship and Fairness

Criterion 2a
Body of work sample
Evidence required: Please share links to ten fact checks that better represent the scope and consistency of your fact-checking. Provide a short explanation of how your organization strives to maintain coherent standards across fact checks.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago








9- https://faktoje.al/700-euro-nje-nate-ne-rome-per-ministren-e-drejtesise/ 


Faktoje employes a clear fact-checking methodology, which is in line with that of global standards, including the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN), where we aim to be a signatory member. Supported by a high-profile Advisory Board and strong management, our team of young journalists identify and then attempt to verify statements (of a great public impact) made by public official and those who benefit from public money. We use primary sources and expert advice to determine the veracity of statements, promises and actions; working carefully to prevent bias or opinion from tainting our work. Faktoje is committing itself to raising the bar when it comes to journalistic excellence by first holding ourselves accountable to a well-defined vision and mission, clear goals and objectives and most importantly, a set of core values that will define every aspect of our day-to-day decision making. Faktoje is committed to a wide cooperation with similar regional and worldwide factchecking organisation through: 1)cross border stories and 2) organizing regular meetings and conferences.

Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The applicant has shared in its website a short explanation of its policy on fact-checking. This information is easy to find. A variety of topics appears to be included in the list of fact-check statements. All seem relevant for the society, from budgetary issues, to education and safety. Most of fact checks that have been shared by the applicant target central government decisions/statements. However, news on local government and safety are also present here. The source of information exists in all cases, and it is either in the form of a website link or in a video format.  

done_all 2a marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Criterion 2b
Nonpartisanship policy
Evidence required: Please share evidence of your policy preventing staff from direct involvement in political parties and advocacy organizations. Please also indicate the policy your organization has as a whole regarding advocacy and supporting political candidates.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

A commitment to nonpartisanship and fairness

We fact-check claims using the same standard for every fact-check. We do not concentrate our fact-checking on any one side. We follow the same process for every fact check and let the evidence dictate our conclusions.We do not advocate or take policy positions on the issues we fact-check. Our commitment to nonpartisanship and fairness is published on faktoje.al website. Every member of Faktoje team is asked to not support or be a member of any political party or advocacy organisation, for as long he/she is employed at Faktoje.

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description DEKLARATË KONFIDENC... (50 KB) description Deklarate e Parimeve... (57 KB) description Kodi i etikës dhe s... (78 KB)
Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

There is no evidence to suggest that Faktoje has endorsed a political party or advocacy organization. Moreover, the applicant has a clear rule preventing its staff from supporting a political party or becoming a member in a political organization. The policy is clearly stated in their website. However, the applicant has not shared any written Statement of Principles or Ethics and Code of Conduct that is used internally. Such documents are found in other similar fact-checking organizations where employees sign them as a commitment to nonpartisanship and fairness.  

done 2b marked as Partially compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Section 3: Transparency of Sources

Criterion 3a
Sources Policy
Please share a brief and public explanation (500 words max) of how sources are provided in enough detail that readers could replicate the fact check. If you have a public policy on how you find and use sources for your fact-checking, it should be shared here.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

A commitment to transparency of  sources

We want our audience to be able to verify our findings themselves. We provide all sources in enough detail that the audience can replicate our work, except in cases where a source's personal security could be compromised. In such cases, we provide as much detail as possible. The sources used for a fact checking stories are always mentioned (published) within the article.

Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The applicant shows evidence to the claims in every fact check report. In some cases they come as website links to the source and in some cases they come as video recording to the claim. In the latter cases the date of that claim/statement is provided. The audience can easily replicate the fact checks. 

done_all 3a marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Section 4: Transparency of Funding & Organization

Criterion 4a
Funding Sources
Evidence required: Please link to the section where you publicly list your sources of funding (including, if they exist, any rules around which types of funding you do or don't accept), or a statement on ownership if you are the branch of an established media organization or research institution.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

A commitment to transparency of founding & organisation

We are transparent about our funding sources. If we accept funding from other organisations, we ensure that the funders have no influence over the conclusions we reach in our reports. We detail the professional background of all key figures in our organisation and explain our organisational structure and legal status. Actually Faktoje.al is funded by EWMI and British Embassy   from  1 October 2019 - September 2020  The core founding for one year are 184,873 $

Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The applicant has a paragraph in the "About us" section that is dedicated to funding. In that section a general information about funding is provided and two of its donors are mentioned by name. However, there is no further information available on the amount of funding. There is no breakdown of sources of funding and no overview of spending available in their website. Typically, such organizations would publish a financial audit report in their website. It is recommended that the applicant makes the financial audit report available in their website for transparency reasons.  

done 4a marked as Partially compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Criterion 4b
Evidence required: Please link to the section detailing all authors and key actors behind your fact-checking project with their biographies. You can also list the name and bios of the members of the editorial board, pool of experts, advisory board, etc. if your organization has those.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago


Faktoje is the first fact-checking service in Albania. Its staff consists in 6 experienced journalists and the Managing Director. They are taking on a lot of responsibilities and above all, are trying to be innovative in Albanian Media market. They are professional journalists, who know well the journalistic principles and ethics. Their aim is to not harm anyone and furthermore to not violate the rights and freedoms of anyone, but to be true and up-to-date in their work, transparent in their mission and above all impartial.

Klodiana Kapo-Executive director

Klodiana Kapo joined the "Faktoje" team in the position of Executive Director. She comes in this position after a 3-year long experience as Manager of Public Relations and Communication in the children's International Organization, World Vision, where she was recently awarded with the "Global Brand Award". Mrs. Kapo joins "Faktoje" after a 16-year long career in the most prominent media in the country, where she mainly reported social issues, more specifically education and the education system, health, youth development, etc. In her career, Mrs. Kapo worked as a journalist for Top Channel (where she produced dozens of documentaries and personal stories). She had her own weekly column in the newspaper "Shqip" and worked as an Editor in Chief for the Albanian Public Broadcaster. Klodiana counts a series of successful awareness campaigns for non governmental organizations, local and international, and is also co-author in two books. 

Viola Keta- Editor

Viola Keta is graduated from the Journalism Department in the University of Tirana. She began her career as a journalist in “Koha TV” in 1999, after volunteering in several projects to assist Kosovo migrants during Kosovo War Crisis. In the beginning of her career she covered social issues and later on, court and crime reporting. She has participated in many trainings outside Albania, one of them was in US, Boston and WBUR 65 in Boston and Massachusetts Federal Courts. During 2000-2004 she covered important judicial cases, such as the murder of MP, Azem Hajdari, the “Cocaine” gang trial, the investigation about the tragic death of 22 Albanian migrants near Vlora. During 2013 she worked in the OSCE-ODHIR Media Monitoring Office. From 2007 until 2019 she had the role of the editor at Top News TV.

Anxhela Ruçi- Journalist

Anxhela has finished her Bachelor Studies in Journalism and Communication Department, in University of Tirana and is attending MA studies in Public Relations. She was part of the Investigative Journalism Lab, supported by the US Embassy in Tirana. The investigation during her experience there was focused in the quality of oil in Albania. She has been part of several online Medias and engaged in different joint projects on behalf of Journalism and Communication Department.

Merxhan Daci- Journalist

Merxhan Daci is graduated from the Department of Journalism in the University of Tirana. He has started his career as a journalist working for the Investigative Journalism Lab, supported by the US Embassy in Tirana. During this time, he covered a very good investigative story about the quality of oil in Albania. He has contributed with different articles not only in the country, but also in the regional and international Media. His focus is in the video-production. Last year Merxhan was part of a video production crew, in cooperation with the Foreign Press Center.

Inva Hasanaliaj- Journalist

Inva Hasanaliaj started working as a journalist from 2016. She finished her studies in Public Relations in the same year. She covered mainly economic, political and investigative stories. She started her career working for “Mapo” Newspaper and economic topics were in her focus. Inva was also part of Investigative Journalism Lab, supported by the US Embassy in Tirana. She was been awarded with a certificate for the participation in the training “Empowering roma youth through development of their capacities and education for alternative Media”

Joel Çela- Journalist

Joel Çela works as a journalist of "Faktoje" starting from December 2019. He graduated in Journalism and Communication from the University of Tirana in 2016. He was engaged in different medias since 2013. Joel worked as an editor in Mad TV (IN TV) from 2014 until the end of 2015. He continued to work there until September 2017. Later on he engaged as an editor in chief in the online media "Arberia News" during 2018. Joel graduated from the Laboratory of Investigative Journalism, a training program initiate by the U.S. Embassy in collaboration with the Albanian Center for Quality Journalism. He also worked there as a translator from Albanian to English and vice-versa. From January of 2019 until July of the same year he worked as a journalist in the daily TV show "Dite per Dite" in TV Klan. From 2018 until now he has served as a Coordinator for Tirana of the "Union of Albanian Journalists".

Fjori Sinoruka-Journalist

Fjori Sinoruka is part of Faktoje team since December 2019. For about two years she has done investigative journalism at Albanian Center for Quality Journalism, Birn Albania and Citizens Channel. She is focused on working about issues such as: the management of public funds and human rights. She has conducted several regional and local trainings for investigative journalism.


Faktoje’s Board is composed by six members coming from different areas. They are not affiliated with any political party. One of the main board’s responsibilities is to safeguard the independence of Faktoje from external interference and guarantee its transparency.  

Erjon Tase-Academic- Chair

Erjon Tase is in position as Executive Director of the “Academy of Political Studies” from May 2012. The Academy of Political Studies (APS) is a nongovernmental organization founded in 2009, under the auspices of the Council of Europe, aiming to encourage the emergence of a new generation of young political and civic leaders dedicated to implement best democratic models of governance and development. Erjon graduated in Journalism and Public Relations in 2000 at the University of Tirana and has worked as an editor and editor in chief for more than 10 years in the most prominent printed media in Albania. In charge of strategic management of APS, Mr. Tase has further improved his experience on strategic planning, team leading, fundraising etc. Since 2007 he is member of founding and steering board of the “Union of Albanian Journalists”.

Dorian Matlija-Legal Expert

Mr. Dorian Matlija is an Albanian legal expert specialized in media. He is Executive Director of Respublica Center, whose activity focused on freedom of media, freedom of expression, support to local journalists on labour rights and legal issues, defamation, libel, etc. Ms. Matlija is a well-known expert in the country and has been defending journalists’ rights for more than a decade now. His work experience includes being a lawyer/legal expert to Albanian Public Broadcaster, while he engages and actively contributes to various human rights causes.

Llazar Semini- AP correspondent/Journalist

From 2002, Llazar is working for the Associated Press News Agency Office in Tirana, Albania, covering country’s efforts to become a member of European Union and NATO. Since 2015 he is also covering Kosovo, its war toward international recognition, insight political game and more. Llazar started his career in 1987 working as a Bureau Chief at the Albanian News Agency (ATA), in the international department covering the communist collapse in Central and Eastern Europe, including Albania. In 1999, he worked as a Program Manager with international US-Based Christian Children Fund Agency, helping the deported Kosovo refugee children in Albania. During this year he started working as a correspondent for Reuters International News Agency.

Ilda Bakshevani-Milkani-NGO

Brunilda is the Grant and Media Program Manager of “Leviz Albania”- a project in support of local democracy, funded by the Swiss Development Agency. She joint the project in March 2018. She has an extensive experience in program and project management. For the past 10 years she has been part of “Open Society” Foundation for Albania, where she held the position of Program Manager for Civil Society, Gender Equality and Media sectors. During 2014-2016 she was the team leader for the “Challenge and Impunity Cultural Program”. In addition to program management, her expertise and experience covers Media development issues, Media market development, Media ownership and financing, regulation and self-regulation, professional journalism, new Media development and more. Prior to joining the “Open Society” Foundation she worked for 6 years in one of the audio-visual media in Albania in the position Direcytor of Administration and Finance. Mrs Bakshevani-Milkani holds a degree in Financial Management from the University of Tirana and a MBA diploma from the CEU San Pablo University, Valencia, Spain.

Albana Kasapi

Albana Kasapi is an Albanian-British journalist based in London. Albana has covered Albania and the wider Balkan region for the past two decades and a half. She started off her career in Tirana, Albania in the mid 90s as a print journalist Tirana, covering from arts, to politics. She moved to Kosovo in June 1999, where she covered the post war period for the German news Agency. Based in Prishtina she also covered developments in neighbouring North Macedonia and sometimes Serbia. Since June 2002 , Albana has been based in London where she works as journalist for the BBC. Currently she is co-editor of Weekend, a global news and current affairs programme on BBC World Service radio.

Elizabeth Gowing-International Expert

Elizabeth Gowing is the author of 5 books of which four are about the Balkans, and her writing about the region won the Bradt/ Independent on Sunday travel writing award in 2014. Her translations from Albanian of the biographies of Yugoslavia's longest-held political prisoner, Adem Demaci, and Albanian patriot, Hasan Prishtina, were published in 2010 by Rrokullia press in Prishtina. She is a frequent contributor to BBC Radio 4's From Our Own Correspondent programme.

She is co-founder of The Ideas Partnership NGO which works in Kosovo, and in 2016 was awarded the Mother Teresa Medal for humanitarian work by the President of Kosovo, and in 2017 was named by the British Prime Minister as a Point of Light for volunteering around the world. In 2018 the new President of Kosovo gave her Kosovan citizenship by decree.

For the last thirteen years she has divided her time between Albania, Kosovo and the UK.


Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The names and biographies of the staff members along with a profile picture are all available in their website. Furthermore, the applicant shows the names and biographies of its board members too. The role of the staff is also indicated along their names. The names of authors also appear in every published story. 

done_all 4b marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Criterion 4c
Evidence required: Please link to the section where readers can get in touch with the organization.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

We clearly indicate a way for our audience to comunicate with us.

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Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The website of the applicant has a clear office address of the organizations linked with a google map as well as a telephone number. There is also a visible section in the website that invites research to reach out.  

done_all 4c marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Section 5: Transparency of Methodology

Criterion 5a
Detailed Methodology
Evidence required: Please link to a section or article detailing the steps you follow for your fact-checking work.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Transparency of the methodology

The selection process starts with a preliminary selection of the statements of politicians regarding issues of importance and of public interest (which may be public speeches, electoral campaigns, press releases, statements during TV shows, news, debates, newspaper articles, social media etc.). With politicians we include actors of the political stage, elected in the government or not, candidates in a local or national level, from all the political spectrum and interest groups.

We ask ourselves these questions before we select a statement to "fact-check":

1- Is the statement based on verifiable facts? Our job is to verify facts, not opinions.

2- Does the statement create the impression of being disorienting or deceptive?

3- Is the statement meaningful? "Faktoje" avoids "tricks" or statements that are obviously lapses or involuntary.

4- Is it probable that the statement is passed on or repeated by others?

5- When they heard the statement, would someone ask themselves: "Is this true"?

-Research methods

1. We ask the person who made the statement, on which facts he bases it

There are cases when the facts on which the person made the statement serve as our starting point. After that, we search for other facts that can confirm or invalidate this claim (statement). Also, it is a fundamental right to inform the subject that you are verifying its statements. In this way, you give him/her the opportunity to show his point of view. "Faktoje" does not select or use off the record "fact-checking" sources and published the sources to which it refers.

2. We officially address to public institutions

"Faktoje" contacts institutions officially based on the law nr. 119/2015 "For the Right to Information" for data that help the verification of facts.

3. We search what other medias found on the issue

We search what other medias found before us and then we verify the facts. Durin this process new facts or evidence may emerge, that push us to search more on the issue.

4. We constantly search on Google

While we verify statements, we have as a challenge the searching on Google. There are a few ways to search data on Google and some of them require more time and ability.

5. We verify on the field

For many statements and promises, on field verification is principal and inevitable. Regardless of the data or written facts we may find, what we see with our own eyes is exhaustive to the verification.

6. We ask for the opinion of experts

Experts can give us answers we can't find on the issues we are verifying, or can help us to give ourselves and the audience an exhaustive and understandable explanation of the facts we have found. Experts can save us from the "trap" of giving wrong verdicts for specific and complicated issues.

7. What else is left?

When we talk about "fact-checking", after we passed through the 6 aforementioned phases, we will have more information on the subject we have verified.

At this point we should stop for a moment, summarize, and ask ourselves: "Is there anything else left to search for?", "Who else can we ask?", "What other point of view should we take into consideration?"

Categorization of Statements

"Faktoje" uses 4 categories for every statement or promise:

• TRUE - The statement is accurate and doesn't lack substantial facts.

• HALF-TRUE - The statement is partially accurate and lacks important details that are related to the context

• FALSE - The statement is not accurate.

• WITHOUT CATEGORY - After the process of verification, the statement results disorienting because of a lack or discrepancy of facts, so a verdict cannot be reached.  

Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The methodology of fact-checking is explained in its website. The explanation includes the whole process of selecting public statements and the step-by-step process of verifying the claim. Each statement is further put under a specific category and each category is explained on what it entails. Overall, the website provides clear explanation of the research methodology. 

done_all 5a marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Criterion 5b
Claim submissions
Evidence required: Please link to the page or process through which readers can submit claims to fact-check. If you do not allow this, please briefly explain why.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago
Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

One of main headlines in the website is a link that invites readers to send claims to fact-check. As the new window opens, readers can write their claims as well as attach documents. However, it is not clear whether the organization has any statistics on the frequency of reader-submitted fact checks being published. 

done_all 5b marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Section 6: Open & Honest Corrections Policy

Criterion 6a
Corrections policy
Evidence required: Please link to the page with your policy to address corrections. If it is not public, please share your organization's handbook.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

A commitment to open and honest corrections

We publish our correction policy and follow it scrupolously. We correct clearly and transparently in line with our corrections policy, seeking so far as possible to ensure that our audience see the corrected version.

How we correct mistakes

Everyone can make a mistake! "Faktoje" tries to correct mistakes in published news as fast as possible and in full transparency.

Errors that may influence in the wrong categorization of a statement we verified, are corrected and notified through the title in the article. The text of the article is updated with the new information, meanwhile the old version is archived and can be found through a link, included in the corrected article.

Errors that don't affect the categorization of the statement are corrected and notified through a note in the end of the article. The text of the article is updated and a copy of the old version is archived and included as a link in the corrected article.

**The corrected articles can be found in the subcategory "Complaints and Corrections"

Errors in orthography, grammar or lapses - We correct orthographical and grammatical errors or lapses, if there are such errors, immediately after we identify them. These corrections are not notified, but are done on the spot.

Updates - From time to time we add new information to the "fact-check" articles we previously published, if there are updates. These are not notified as corrections, but the audience is made aware through a re-post of the article. 

Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The website has a clear explanation of the correction policy. It further explains the types of errors that are expected to happen and how the organization makes due corrections for each of them. In cases when and article has been corrected, that its clearly indicated there and a copy of the old version is available too. There is also a subcategory of "complains and corrections" where corrected articles are found. The original complain is also published along the corrected article. 

done_all 6a marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.

Criterion 6b
Examples of corrections
Evidence required: Please provide two examples of a correction made, or correction requests handled, in the past year.

13-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

Faktoje has only had one request for correction (the link above).

Jeton Mehmeti Assessor
18-Dec-2019 (4 years ago) Updated: 4 years ago

The organization has a public category in its website named "Complains and Corrections". Only one correction is found there from May 2018. 

done_all 6b marked as Fully compliant by Jeton Mehmeti.