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Fast Check CL

Organization: Fast Check CL
Applicant: Fabián Padilla
Assessor: Ramón Salaverría


Established in Chile in 2019, Fast Check CL is a fact-checking organization that is IFCN signatory status since 2021.

Assessment Conclusion

Fast Check CL adheres fully to all the criteria outlined in the IFCN Code of Principles. The recommendation to the IFCN Board is to renew the accreditation.
on 05-Nov-2023 (11 months ago)

Ramón Salaverría assesses application as Compliant

A short summary in native publishing language

Establecida en Chile en 2019, Fast Check CL es una organización de verificación signataria de la IFCN desde 2021.

Section 1: Eligibility to be a signatory

To be eligible to be a signatory, applicants must meet these six criteria

  • 1.1 The applicant is a legally registered organization, or a distinct team or unit within a legally registered organization, and details of this are easily found on its website.
  • 1.2 The team, unit or organization is set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking.
  • 1.3 The applicant has published an average of at least one fact check a week over the course of the six months prior to the date of application. For applicants from countries with at least 5 or more verified signatories need to have at least a fact check a week over the twelve months of publishing track. Consult to factchecknet@poynter.org for confirmation.
  • 1.4 On average, at least 75% of the applicant’s fact checks focus on claims related to issues that, in the view of the IFCN, relate to or could have an impact on the welfare or well-being of individuals, the general public or society.
  • 1.5 The applicant’s editorial output is not, in the view of the IFCN, controlled by the state, a political party or politician.
  • 1.6 If the organization receives funding from local or foreign state or political sources, it provides a statement on its site setting out to the satisfaction of the IFCN, how it ensures its funders do not influence the findings of its reports.

Criteria 1.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please explain where on your website you set out information about your organization’s legal status and how this complies with criteria. Attach a link to the relevant page of your website.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago)

Fast Check CL is a fact-checking media outlet, legally registered as Tlön Comunicaciones SpA. Their legal representative is Mr. Fabián Padilla Arenas.You can find these legal details on the footer's home page, also more information on our about page: www.fastcheck.cl/nosotros/.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 10 months ago

Established in 2019 on social media and later expanded to include a website in 2020, Fast Check CL stands as a Chilean organization dedicated to fact-checking. It is under the ownership of Tlön Comunicaciones SpA, a profit-oriented company. The ownership details are explicitly stated in various sections of the organization's website, including the About Us and Finance pages.

To facilitate the evaluation process, the applicant has provided in criterion 4.1 the necessary legal information alongside the details specified. For upcoming IFCN accreditation renewals, the applicant is kindly invited to include a link to the same document on the Fast Check CL website, particularly within the About Us page.

done_all 1.1 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 1.2
Proof you meet criteria
Please answer the following questions – (see notes in Guidelines for Application on how to answer)

 1. When and why was your fact-checking operation started?
 2. How many people work or volunteer in the organization and what are their roles?
 3. What different activities does your organization carry out?
 4. What are the goals of your fact-checking operation over the coming year?

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

1. Fast Check CL was created in october 22, 2019, after a month of a several violent protests and riots. In this context, known as “Estallido Social”, people began to spread a huge amount of viral misinformation and “fake news”. Because of this, we saw the need to create an Instagram profile, named Fast Check CL (@fastcheckcl), —inspired in fact checking discipline and the quickness who should publish— who fight disinformation, which was spread mostly on social media, about human rights, politics and public order. If you want to read more about us, and our history, please check: www.fastcheck.cl/historia/

2. Currently, our team is composed of five people (full staff members): You can find this information at: www.fastcheck.cl/equipo/

· Fabián Padilla – CEO & Editor-in-chief

· Isidora Osorio – Deputy editor

· Elias Miranda – Journalist/Fact checker

· Maximiliano Echegoyen — Journalist/Fact checker

· Valentina Casanova — Journalist/Community Manager

And also we have one freelance fact checking: Lucas Vergara and a freelance designer: Patricio Vera.

3. We do fact-checking and investigative journalism mostly. But also, we participate in educational, academic, and public initiatives by free. This 2023, our CEO was invited by the Ministry of Science to participe in the first Advisory Commission against Disinformation: https://www.minciencia.gob.cl/areas/comision-contra-la-desinformacion/ and also, we publish our first academic paper in collaboration with chilean academics in the disinformation field: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/9/5347

4. We have three main goals for this coming year: 1) The first goal is to create a sustainable journalism model to keep Fast Check CL safe. 2) The second goal is create a new regional department to add regional fact-checking and de-concentrate our agenda 3) The third goal is to expand Fast Check CL to other countries in Latin America: Perú and Bolivia, most probably

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL has provided comprehensive information on the following aspects:

1) The inception of this fact-checking operation in 2019, accompanied by detailed explanations of the reasons behind its establishment. Additionally, the organization has shared information about its developments since its launch.

2) The personnel at Fast Check CL, as stated by the applicant, comprises 5 individuals with clearly defined roles. However, during the assessment conducted on November 5, 2023, the assessor observed that the team was comprised of 4 workers and 3 freelance collaborators. This check indicates a reduction in the number of team members compared to 2021 and 2022.

3) The diverse activities undertaken by Fast Check CL, encompassing both fact-checking and media literacy initiatives.

4) The objectives set by Fast Check CL for the 2023-24 season, which include: 1) Continued efforts to ensure the economic sustainability of the organization, 2) Creation of a new regional department to add regional fact-checking, and 3) Establishment of international collaborations with similar organizations

done_all 1.2 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 1.3
Proof you meet criteria
- The applicant has published an average of at least one fact check a week over the course of the six months prior to the date of application.
- For applicants from countries with at least 5 or more verified signatories need to have at least a fact check a week over the twelve months of publishing track.
- Consult to factchecknet@poynter.org for confirmation.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL has published 337 fact checking articles between May 1, 2023, to October 10, 2023.

On average we have 12,5 fact checking articles per week in this period.

We add an excel to show raw data.

Files Attached
description 6 months fact checki... (70 KB)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Upon examining the spreadsheet of fact-checks released by Fast Check CL, totaling 337 articles conducted in the six months leading up to the application date (May 1 - October 10, 2023), it is affirmed that the applicant significantly surpasses the threshold, averaging 12.5 fact-checks per week. These figures are 25% above those presented in the previous year.

done_all 1.3 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 1.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will assess compliance through a review of the fact checks published over the previous three months. No additional information required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Over 75% of the fact checks issued during the evaluated period concentrated on scrutinizing claims associated with matters influencing the welfare or well-being of individuals, the public, or Chilean society at large. These fact-checks span a diverse range of subjects, including but not limited to national politics, health, and environmental issues. They are tied to news events unfolding both within Chile and internationally.

done_all 1.4 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 1.5
Proof you meet criteria
Please explain any commercial, financial and/or institutional relationship your organization has to the state, politicians or political parties in the country or countries you cover. Also explain funding or support received from foreign as well as local state or political actors over the previous financial year.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL from 2019 to our present day, did not receive any funding from the Chilean State, politics, political parties from Chile, or any other political organization. Also, Fast Check CL did not receive international funding from other foreign states or political organizations. To see details, visit: www.fastcheck.cl/financiamiento    

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

As per the statement submitted for this assessment and the details accessible on the applicant's website, Fast Check CL did not engage in any commercial, financial, or institutional associations with the Chilean state, politicians, or political parties during the assessed year.

done_all 1.5 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 1.6
Proof you meet criteria
If you confirmed the organization receives funding from local or foreign state or political sources, provide a link to where on your website you set out how you ensure the editorial independence of your work.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL from 2019 to our present day, did not receive any funding from the Chilean State, politics, political parties from Chile, or any other political organization. Also, Fast Check CL did not receive international funding from other foreign states or political organizations. To see details, visit: www.fastcheck.cl/financiamiento    

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL discloses pertinent details regarding its sources of income and funding structure. The organization is dedicated to preventing any interference from local or foreign states or political entities.

done_all 1.6 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 2: A commitment to Non-partisanship and Fairness

To be compliant on nonpartisanship and fairness, applicants must meet these five criteria

  • 2.1 The applicant fact-checks using the same high standards of evidence and judgement for equivalent claims regardless of who made the claim.
  • 2.2 The applicant does not unduly concentrate its fact-checking on any one side, considers the reach and importance of claims it selects to check and publishes a short statement on its website to set out how it selects claims to check.
  • 2.3 The applicant discloses in its fact checks relevant interests of the sources it quotes where the reader might reasonably conclude those interests could influence the accuracy of the evidence provided. It also discloses in its fact checks any commercial or other such relationships it has that a member of the public might reasonably conclude could influence the findings of the fact check.
  • 2.4 The applicant is not as an organization affiliated with nor declares or shows support for any party, any politician or political candidate, nor does it advocate for or against any policy positions on any issues save for transparency and accuracy in public debate.
  • 2.5 The applicant sets out its policy on non-partisanship for staff on its site. Save for the issues of accuracy and transparency, the applicant’s staff do not get involved in advocacy or publicise their views on policy issues the organization might fact check in such a way as might lead a reasonable member of the public to see the organization’s work as biased.

Criteria 2.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please share links to 10 fact checks published over the past year that you believe demonstrate your non-partisanship.
Please briefly explain how the fact checks selected show that (I) you use the same high standards of evidence for equivalent claims, (II) follow the same essential process for every fact check and (III) let the evidence dictate your conclusions.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

1) (right wing) (Video) “Evelyn Matthei anuncia tercer proceso constituyente si Chile rechaza en diciembre”: #Engañoso. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/04/28/video-evelyn-matthei-anuncia-tercer-proceso-constituyente-si-chile-rechaza-en-diciembre-enganoso/

2) (right wing) Tuit de Sebastián Piñera: “Vine a Cúcuta a defender los DDHH de todos los venezolanos (…) serán bienvenidos en mi país y se les dará refugio, comida y salud gratis”: #Falso. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/04/10/tuit-de-sebastian-pinera-vine-a-cucuta-a-defender-los-ddhh-de-todos-los-venezolanos-seran-bienvenidos-en-mi-pais-y-se-les-dara-refugio-comida-y-salud-gratis-falso

3) (left wing) (Imagen) “Hoy un transeúnte le gritó (un insulto) a Gabriel Boric”: #Falso. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/05/10/imagen-hoy-un-transeunte-le-grito-un-insulto-a-gabriel-boric-falso/

4) (center wing) Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle: “Incomprensible decisión del gobierno del Presidente Boric de prohibir el ingreso a los ciudadanos de Iquique y Valparaíso (…)”: #Falso. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/05/22/eduardo-frei-ruiz-tagle-incomprensible-decision-del-gobierno-del-presidente-boric-de-prohibir-el-ingreso-a-los-ciudadanos-de-iquique-y-valparaiso-falso/

5) (left wing) “El gobierno prometió retiros en campaña”: #Falso. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/04/28/el-gobierno-prometio-retiros-en-campana-falso/

6) (left wing) “Gobierno de la Región Metropolitana celebró convenio con Carmen Gloria Jackson, hermana de Giorgio”: #Falso. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/07/12/gobierno-de-la-region-metropolitana-celebro-convenio-con-carmen-gloria-jackson-hermana-de-giorgio-falso/

7) (left wing) (Imagen) “Es Karen Araya de la lista D19, profesora y candidata a consejera por la Región Metropolitana”, ultrajando la bandera: #Falso https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/05/05/imagen-es-karen-araya-de-la-lista-d19-profesora-y-candidata-a-consejera-por-la-region-metropolitana-ultrajando-la-bandera-falso/

8) (center wing) “La tasa de desocupación alcanza un 9,0%, un aumento de 1,1 puntos en solo un año”: #Real https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/10/02/la-tasa-de-desocupacion-alcanza-un-90-un-aumento-de-11-puntos-en-solo-un-ano-real/

9) (right wing) “(Imagen) “Jose Antonio Kast no puede ejercer como abogado”: #Falso”. https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/05/30/imagen-jose-antonio-kast-no-puede-ejercer-como-abogado-falso/

10) (right wing) Imagen) “Indultados por Boric: 13. Indultados por Piñera: 9.467”: #Engañoso https://www.fastcheck.cl/2023/04/13/imagen-indultados-por-boric-13-indultados-por-pinera-9-467-enganoso/

Fast Check CL uses the same verification method for all fact checking articles, regardless of political color.

An example of this can be analyzed in cases 2 and 3, where it was verified whether those involved carried out the actions attributed to them on social networks. In the first case, it was possible to corroborate that there were no records of the tweet attributed to former president Sebastián Piñera, which is why it was classified as false, while in the second case it was shown that the photograph was taken completely out of context, thanks to a video that showed that President Gabriel Boric actually greeted a passerby. 

Something similar occurs in cases 6 and 9, which had greater complexity. In the first, official sources and documents were used to deny that the sister of a former minister had obtained public money, while in the second case, the Judiciary was used to deny that the former presidential candidate and opponent of the current government cannot practice as a lawyer.

It should be noted that in all these examples were qualified according to the evidence obtained and background information, whether false, misleading or real, and regardless of the political sector it could benefits.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL has effectively demonstrated its non-partisanship by furnishing the requested ten examples of fact-checks directed at politicians, political parties, and leaders spanning the entire political spectrum in Chile.

done_all 2.1 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 2.2
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to a place on your website where you explain how you select claims to check, explaining how you ensure you do not unduly concentrate your fact-checking on any one side, and how you consider the reach and importance of the claims you select to check.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Method: www.fastcheck.cl/metodo and Impartiality Policy www.fastcheck.cl/politica-de-imparcialidad         

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL has provided evidence of a webpage where it publicly outlines its ten-step fact-checking methodology. This approach draws inspiration from well-established fact-checking organizations around the world. The applicant is dedicated to upholding non-partisanship and avoiding undue concentrations on any particular ideological side. This policy is regarded as both sound and transparent.

done_all 2.2 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 2.3
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will assess compliance through a review of the fact checks published over the previous year. No additional information required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Following a random examination of fact-checks released between November 2022 and October 2023, no evidence has been found indicating any commercial interests that could potentially influence the fact-checking endeavors of the applicant.

done_all 2.3 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 2.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will assess compliance through a review of the fact checks published over the previous year. No additional information required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

After a random review of fact-checks published November 2022 to October 2023, no trace has been found of any political interest that might influence the fact-checking activity of the applicant.

done_all 2.4 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 2.5
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to a place on your website where you publish a statement setting out your policy on non-partisanship for staff and how it ensures the organization meets this criteria.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

You can visit: www.fastcheck.cl/politica-de-imparcialidad under the subheading "Imparcialidad de Equipo" and also in www.fastcheck.cl/equipo each member declare if there have any participation in a political party o group. In our case, none of their 5 members have a political link with any organization.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

In compliance with the request, the applicant articulates its non-partisanship policy for staff on its website. According to this policy, members of the organization are obligated to disclose any affiliations with political parties or groups. Notably, none of the five members of this organization has declared any such relationships.

done_all 2.5 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 3: A commitment to Standards and Transparency of Sources

To be compliant on sources, applicants must meet these four criteria

  • 3.1 The applicant identifies the source of all significant evidence used in their fact checks, providing relevant links where the source is available online, in such a way that users can replicate their work if they wish. In cases where identifying the source would compromise the source’s personal security, the applicant provides as much detail as compatible with the source’s safety.
  • 3.2 The applicant uses the best available primary, not secondary, sources of evidence wherever suitable primary sources are available. Where suitable primary sources are not available, the applicant explains the use of a secondary source.
  • 3.3 The applicant checks all key elements of claims against more than one named source of evidence save where the one source is the only source relevant on the topic.
  • 3.4 The applicant identifies in its fact checks the relevant interests of the sources it uses where the reader might reasonably conclude those interests could influence the accuracy of the evidence provided.

Criteria 3.1
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 8 months ago

The use of links to substantiate FastCheck CL's fact-checks is considered satisfactory and appropriate. These resources enable users to independently verify the pertinent information published.

done_all 3.1 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 3.2
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 8 months ago

FastCheck CL employs a well-rounded, pertinent, and reliable array of sources to substantiate their fact-checks. These sources commonly comprise media outlets, both national and international, and publications on social networks.

done_all 3.2 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 3.3
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 8 months ago

The sources used by FastCheck CL are appropriately contextualized. Based on a random assessment of a selection of fact-checks, the overall assessment for this criterion is positive.

done_all 3.3 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 3.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

The applicant effectively identifies the sources supporting its fact-checks, and when additional contextualization of the information sources is required, it is adequately provided. Overall, this criterion is deemed to be in compliance.

done_all 3.4 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 4: A commitment to Transparency of Funding & Organization

To be compliant on funding and organization, applicants must meet these five criteria

  • 4.1 Applicants that are independent organizations have a page on their website detailing each source of funding accounting for 5% or more of total revenue for its previous financial year. This page also sets out the legal form in which the organization is registered (e.g. as a non-profit, as a company etc).
  • 4.2 Applicants that are the fact-checking section or unit of a media house or other parent organization make a statement on ownership.
  • 4.3 A statement on the applicant’s website sets out the applicant’s organizational structure and makes clear how and by whom editorial control is exercised.
  • 4.4 A page on the applicant’s website details the professional biography of all those who, according to the organizational structure and play a significant part in its editorial output.
  • 4.5 The applicant provides easy means on its website and/or via social media for users to communicate with the editorial team.

Criteria 4.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please confirm whether you are an ‘independent organization’
or ‘the fact-checking section or unit of a media house or other parent organization’ and share proof of this organizational status.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL is an independent fact-checking media outlet, legally registered as Tlön Comunicaciones SpA. All legal information is on the pdf which we attached here.

Files Attached
picture_as_pdf Certificado empresa... (725 KB)
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL is a part of the privately owned, for-profit company named Tlön Comunicaciones SpA, which is under the sole ownership of the managing editor and publisher, Fabián Padilla Arenas. Although information regarding the legal status of the company has been included with this application, it is not entirely disclosed on the applicant's website. 

done_all 4.1 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 4.2
Proof you meet criteria
If your organization is an “independent organization”, please share a link to the page on your website where you detail your funding and indicate the legal form in which the organization is registered (e.g. as a non-profit, as a company etc).
If your organization is “the fact-checking section or unit of a media house or other parent organization”, please share a link to the statement on your website about your ownership.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL is a private organization and for funding information you can check our Finance website: www.fastcheck.cl/financiamientoIn this website you will find our company status and the source and the percentage of each of this source mean for our finance. As you can see, we have three main sources: 1) Tech alliances, 2) Advertising, 3) Subscriptions. We do not receive any public or state finance. 

Important: We don't share the real amounts, and just the percentage of each one, because this issue could affect our financial private strategy to have more partners and resources in our very concentrated and competitive market. Also, we have private agreements who forbid us to share amounts, detailed services, and other legal issues.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

The details provided by Fastcheck CL on its Finance page (Financiamiento) offer a comprehensive overview of its funding structure. Despite the applicant asserting three primary revenue sources (tech alliances, advertising, and subscriptions), the disclosed data on the website reveals that as much as 97% of total revenue in 2022 derived from services provided to Meta Platforms Inc., with only 3% originating from subscriptions and no revenue attributed to advertising (0%). 

done_all 4.2 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 4.3
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to where on your website you set out your organizational structure, making clear how and by whom editorial control is exercised.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

As per the request, Fast Check CL provides information about its team composition (Equipo), consisting of four members whose respective levels of responsibility are clearly disclosed.

done_all 4.3 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 4.4
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to where on your website you set out the professional biographies of those who play a significant part in your organization’s editorial output.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago
Brief biographies of Fast Check CL team members are available on its website, along with their email addresses, facilitating accessibility for anyone wishing to contact them.

done_all 4.4 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 4.5
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to where on your website you encourage users to communicate with your editorial team.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 10 months ago
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Several means of contact (email, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and WhatsApp) are available on the applicant's website. 

done_all 4.5 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 5: A commitment to Standards and Transparency of Methodology

To be compliant on methodology, applicants must meet these six criteria

  • 5.1 The applicant publishes on its website a statement about the methodology it uses to select, research, write and publish its fact checks.
  • 5.2 The applicant selects claims to check based primarily on the reach and importance of the claims, and where possible explains the reason for choosing the claim to check.
  • 5.3 The applicant sets out in its fact checks relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as relevant evidence that appears to undermine it.
  • 5.4 The applicant in its fact checks assesses the merits of the evidence found using the same high standards applied to evidence on equivalent claims, regardless of who made the claim.
  • 5.5 The applicant seeks where possible to contact those who made the claim to seek supporting evidence, noting that (I) this is often not possible with online claims, (II) if the person who makes the claim fails to reply in a timely way this should not impede the fact check, (III) if a speaker adds caveats to the claim, the fact-checker should be free to continue with checking the original claim, (IV) fact-checkers may not wish to contact the person who made the claim for safety or other legitimate reasons.
  • 5.6 The applicant encourages users to send in claims to check, while making it clear what readers can legitimately expect will be fact-checked and what isn’t fact-checkable.

Criteria 5.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please provide a link to the statement on your website that explains the methodology you use to select, research, write and publish your fact checks.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago
Fast Check CL transparently reveals its fact-checking methodology and the criteria used to categorize content as true (real), incomplete (incompleto), old (añejo), vague (impreciso), deceptive (engañoso), false (falso), unreal (irreal), or unverifiable (inverificable). The methodology, inspired by procedures developed by reputable fact-checking organizations, is considered robust and dependable.

done_all 5.1 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 5.2
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 8 months ago

Based on a random review of several fact-checks published in the six months leading up to this assessment, no instances of non-compliance with this criterion have been identified for FastCheck CL.

done_all 5.2 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 5.3
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 8 months ago

After reviewing a sample of fact-checks, the assessor concludes that FastCheck CL upholds principles of transparency and fairness in handling claims.

done_all 5.3 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 5.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago
There is no evidence indicating the potential use of varying standards for fact-checking based on the identity of the claimant or the subject being examined.

done_all 5.4 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 5.5
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 8 months ago

Upon reviewing a random sample of the applicant's fact-checks, no instances were identified that align with the objectionable situations outlined in this criterion. With no evidence of misconduct or violation of this aspect of the Code of Principles, the assessment is positive.

done_all 5.5 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 5.6
Proof you meet criteria
Please describe how you encourage users to send in claims to check, while making it clear what readers can legitimately expect will be fact-checked and what isn’t fact-checkable. Include links where appropriate. If you do not allow this, explain why.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

In Fast Check CL, we encourage our users to send claims and all kinds of misinformation through our digital and social media channels: mail, Facebook, X, Instagram, Discord, and WhatsApp. Also, we encourage our users to read all the politics on our website. Finally, we include a specific URL answering which content can and cannot be fact-checked here: www.fastcheck.cl/inchequeable  

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Both the applicant's corrections policy and the criteria to determine which claims can be verified and which can not are deemed sound.

done_all 5.6 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Section 6: A commitment to an Open & Honest Corrections Policy

To be compliant on corrections policy, applicants must meet these five criteria

  • 6.1 The applicant has a corrections or complaints policy that is easily visible and accessible on the organization’s website or frequently referenced in broadcasts.
  • 6.2 The policy sets out clear definitions of what it does and does not cover, how major mistakes, especially those requiring revised conclusions of a fact check, are handled, and the fact that some complaints may justify no response. This policy is adhered to scrupulously.
  • 6.3 Where credible evidence is provided that the applicant has made a mistake worthy of correction, the applicant makes a correction openly and transparently, seeking as far as possible to ensure that users of the original see the correction and the corrected version.
  • 6.4 The applicant, if an existing signatory, should either on its corrections/complaints page or on the page where it declares itself an IFCN signatory inform users that if they believe the signatory is violating the IFCN Code, they may inform the IFCN, with a link to the IFCN site.
  • 6.5 If the applicant is the fact-checking unit of a media company, it is a requirement of signatory status that the parent media company has and adheres to an open and honest corrections policy.

Criteria 6.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please provide a link to where you publish on your website your corrections or complaints policy. If you are primarily a broadcaster, please provide evidence you frequently reference your corrections policy in broadcasts.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL enables users to submit claims and corrections (Correcciones). Should an error be identified by anyone, the applicant pledges to investigate it promptly and, upon confirmation, incorporate a clearly labeled correction into the relevant article within 48 hours.

done_all 6.1 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 6.2
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the corrections policy to verify it meets critera. No additional information needed.

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

The corrections policy is robust, and it is elucidated with sufficient detail, allowing readers to anticipate how their claims will be addressed in advance.

done_all 6.2 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 6.3
Proof you meet criteria
Please provide a short statement about how the policy was adhered to over the previous year (or six months if this is the first application) including evidence of two examples of the responses provided by the applicant to a correction request over the previous year. Where no correction request has been made in the previous year, you must state this in your application, which will be publicly available in the assessment if your application is successful.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 10 months ago

Fast Check CL contemplates within its journalistic work the maximum rigor and accuracy in its publications, that is why we have a policy of corrections to rectify and update the information whenever necessary, encouraging the community to actively participate in this process of content production.

An example of this is the correction included in the post entitled:

1) (Video) Aviones están fumigando a la gente: #Falso


In this fact checking post, we change some technical matters, specifically about the type of gas who it's expelled from planes. We first write this white gas from planes was "condensed vapor", but through or community corrections, we specify that this white gas was "aerobatic smoke". 

On a second occasion, we change again a technical matter about senator Campillay condition.

2) (Imagen) “Fabiola Campillai captada mirando su celular”: #Falso


This change can be possible because our community warns us about the how is correct use of wording for blind people in spanish. We first put "non-sighted person", but then, with many comments on our social media, people telling us to change this and put "blindness". This change was accepted because is important to us to be very careful and precise about lenguaje, and public recomendations.

Every time Fast Check CL adds a correction to its posts, these are at the beginning of the post, they are written in italics and include the date of rectification. You can check the correction policy at the following link: https://www.fastcheck.cl/politica-de-correcciones 

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 10 months ago

For the purpose of this assessment, the applicant has provided two instances (1, 2) of fact-checks that were corrected during the assessed period (Nov. 2022 - Oct. 2023), and they received appropriate responses.

done_all 6.3 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 6.4
Proof you meet criteria
If you are an existing signatory, please provide a link to show where on your site you inform users that if they believe you are violating the IFCN Code, they may inform the IFCN of this, with a link to the complaints page on the IFCN site.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago
https://www.fastcheck.cl/nosotros in subtitle “Signatarios de IFCN"
Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL informs users on how to proceed in case they want to inform the IFCN of any violation of the Code of Principles. Such reference is clearly accessible in the bottom of every fact-check.

done_all 6.4 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.

Criteria 6.5
Proof you meet criteria
If you are the fact-checking unit of a media company, please provide a link to the parent media company’s honest and open corrections policy and provide evidence that it adheres to this.

Fast Check CL
05-Oct-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL is not a fact checking unit of a media company.  

Ramón Salaverría Assessor
03-Nov-2023 (11 months ago) Updated: 11 months ago

Fast Check CL operates as an independent media organization and is not affiliated with any parent media company.

done_all 6.5 marked as Compliant by Ramón Salaverría.