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Hoaks Atau Fakta? - Kompas.com

Organization: PT. Kompas Cyber Media
Applicant: Deasy Diansari
Assessor: Masduki
Edits made by the organization after this assessment

IFCN Staff wrote:

1) Organization

(b) links to website or location of fact checks published in the previous three months.


4) Transparency of funding and of organization

(a) a link to the page detailing funding sources or statement of ownership

You can find at https://inside.kompas.com/about-us

Pendanaan Kompas.com

PT Kompas Cyber Media merupakan perusahaan media online yang seluruhnya dimiliki oleh grup Kompas Gramedia. Grup Kompas Gramedia didirikan oleh Jakob Oetama dan PK Ojong. Informasi mengenai Kompas Gramedia bisa dilihat di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kompas_Gramedia.

Pengeluaran Kompas.com adalah untuk biaya karyawan di divisi editorial, bisnis, dan support functions, biaya event, biaya maintenance server dan pengembangan teknologi di bawah PT Kompas Cyber Media sebagai perusahaan berbadan hukum (Nomor TDP dengan izin usaha SIUP Nomor 00573/24.1.0/31.71-7.1001/1.824.271/2015.

Sebagai perusahaan media online yang bertujuan untuk menegakkan kebenaran, integritas & transparansi menjadi komitmen kami. Untuk itu, maka seluruh catatan keuangan kami terbuka, untuk diakses oleh publik dalam hal ini pengeluaran tim Fact-checker Kompas.com bisa lihat di sini

Pengeluaran Kompas.com seluruhnya didanai oleh pendapatan dari bisnis advertising, event production, dan content marketing.

→ Evidence required from signatory: A brief explanation (500 words max) of how sources are provided in enough detail that readers could replicate the fact check. If the signatory has a policy on sources, it should be shared here.

To help readers carry out their own fact checking, we also include the source links in the article itself. Through the inclusion of links from valid sources, readers have a direct access to validate the information. The fact checked articles could be accessed publicly in https://indeks.kompas.com/topik-pilihan/list/4390/berita.viral.hoaks.atau.fakta

5) Open and honest correction policy

Evidence required from signatory:

(b) link to the page where readers can submit claims to fact-check.

The readers of Kompas.com also can submit claims to fact-check at https://inside.kompas.com/laporkan-hoaks and : Email address: redaksikcm@kompas.com  

From the assessor: 

I see more progress in transparency of funding. The media organization published its 2018-budget plan on fact-checking work and reader can see the budget availaibe online here: https://inside.kompas.com/about-us.

An issue for further improvement is online references items for readers to replicate the fact-ckeck. Progress is satisfactory but recommend improvement for future applications. 

Concerning there is no more serious issues, I recommend to accept Kompas. 

Conclusion and recommendations
on 23-Aug-2018 (6 years ago)

Masduki wrote:

Overall, Kompas.com is mostly compliant with the principles of fact-check.

The outlet produces fact-checking as part of their editorial process and the link on it namely ’TOPIK KITA’ is easily accessible: https://indeks.kompas.com/topik-pilihan/list/4390/berita.viral.hoaks.atau.fakta.

Small improvement should be made, i.e. to detail publication of funding incomes as matter of transparency and to frequently provide readers with links/contacts to the primary sources of a story being checked (if available).

As the two improvements above are not big issues that affect trustworthiness of the Kompas as fact-checker, I propose to accept the Kompas.com application with minor editing in the application form. 

on 23-Aug-2018 (6 years ago)

Masduki recommended Accept with edits

Section 1: Organization

Criterion 1a
Proof of registration
Evidence required: Please provide evidence that the signatory is a legally-registered organization set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking or the distinct fact-checking project of a recognized media house or research institution.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

Kompas.com has been verified factually and administratively by Press Council as Cyber Media. Kindly check and find out us on http://dewanpers.or.id/perusahaan

and http://inside.kompas.com/about-us#legal 

Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

Kompas.com is legally reviewed and registered by Indonesian Press Council as online news platform (see: a capture of http://dewanpers.or.id/perusahaan). It is part of Kompas Gramedia Group (KKG), a huge media company in Indonesia (see: http://www.meetkcm.com). The fact-checking job is a part of its daily editorial process.

In addition, Kompas.com is a registered commercial entity namely PT Kompas Cyber Media with no. TDP and having a letter of business license no. 00573/24.1.0/31.71-7.1001/1.824.271/2015 (see: http://inside.kompas.com/about-us#legal). 

done_all 1a marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Criterion 1b
Evidence required: Insert a link to the archive of fact checks published in the previous three months. If you do not collect all fact checks in one place, please explain how the fact-checking is conducted by your organization.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

To the link: TOPIK PILIHAN, the outlet published many of the selected stories which can be considered as fact-checking work that easily accessible for reader. Readers can easily click a specific symbol at the middle-right side of the Web namely: HOAKS ATAU FAKTA. In addition, Kompas.com declare its fact-checking job at the bottom of the story (see attached). 

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done_all 1b marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Section 2: Nonpartisanship and Fairness

Criterion 2a
Body of work sample
Evidence required: Please share links to ten fact checks that better represent the scope and consistency of your fact-checking. Provide a short explanation of how your organization strives to maintain coherent standards across fact checks.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

From link: http://indeks.kompas.com/topik-pilihan/list/4390/news.atau.hoax, I can say, the choices of fact checks seem to be covered various social, economy, entertainment and political issues not only happened in Indonesia but also outside the country.

In this link: http://inside.kompas.com/about-us#metodologi, Kompas.com describes how the verification process of selected claims is based on several steps, among other to apply research from many sources, field visit, and verification of data by confirming the competent sources. The current data coming from social media platforms as for instance would be carefully tested. In addition, Kompas.com is also supported by an internal research body namely LITBANG KOMPAS which regularly examining the public issues and providing analysis of the current stories of Kompas.com. In addition, the outlet has cooperation with TurnBackHoax.id which public can report the viral issues to be examined. 

done_all 2a marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Criterion 2b
Nonpartisanship policy
Evidence required: Please share evidence of your policy preventing staff from direct involvement in political parties and advocacy organizations. Please also indicate the policy your organization has as a whole regarding advocacy and supporting political candidates.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

Kompas.com has a specific policy to prohibit both company and employees from practical political activities. The policy meets the national code of ethics (managed by Indonesian Press Council) namely Kode Etik Media Cyber. The outlet has some experiences to terminate its staffs entering political party or became a state official of Indonesia to protect its independence.

In the link: https://inside.kompas.com/about-us, Kompas.com clearly stated that the company has no link with any practical political parties and their interest. In addition, the outlet rules its employees to prohibiting them from engaging in any political activity within the company or outside the company’s environment, among others:

Conduct political propaganda both oral and/or written.

Use or attach and/or distribute any attributes of the political party, including: Jackets, Clothing, flags, pins, pamphlets, leaflets, marks/flyers, slogan or other signs related to political activities.

Supporting a political activity by using and/or utilizing the facilities and or assets of the company, among others: official vehicles, telephones, facsimiles, letters, logos, etc.

Moreover, the link: http://inside.kompas.com/kode-etik-jurnalistik ensures Kompas.com adoption of the Indonesian code of journalism ethics. 

done_all 2b marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Section 3: Transparency of Sources

Criterion 3a
Sources Policy
Please share a brief and public explanation (500 words max) of how sources are provided in enough detail that readers could replicate the fact check. If you have a public policy on how you find and use sources for your fact-checking, it should be shared here.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

For data, Kompas.com make sure the data produced comes from a credible official source, whether a government agency or an international institution.

Kompas.com is also supported by independent research institute namely LITBANG KOMPAS which for decades tested with objective, valid, and independent data.

Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

 In each of the published articles, Kompas.com links the stories to its previous relevant stories by stating the name of person/institution and marking them by a specific color where public can deepening the information. In particular, Kompas.com link the fact-checked story with short information on the method of fact-check as can be seen in the attachment. 

Links to primary source such as government reports that allow reader to access first hand of data is not always available directly inside the story. On this issue, to its additional information (see attachment), Kompas.com refers to a general norm of journalism ethics by protecting/hiding personal information such contact number of source or an official data of a particular critical topic so that no party is harmed by the news publication.

However, for a story coming from the official event or official statement of government, the source identity/original data may be accessed directly through a particular site of the source mentioned in most of the Kompas.com story. 

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done 3a marked as Partially compliant by Masduki.

Section 4: Transparency of Funding & Organization

Criterion 4a
Funding Sources
Evidence required: Please link to the section where you publicly list your sources of funding (including, if they exist, any rules around which types of funding you do or don't accept), or a statement on ownership if you are the branch of an established media organization or research institution.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

The link: http://inside.kompas.com/about-us#pendanaan provides general statement of Kompas.com funding from online advertising, event production and content marketing as financial sources which are used to cover costs of editorial employment, providing technical facilities & its maintenance and to support the IT innovation. However, there is no detail report of its money income available for public. In addition, the link: http://www.meetkcm.com (mother of Kompas.com) does not allow reader to directly access a full report of Kompas.com funding. 

done_all 4a marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Criterion 4b
Evidence required: Please link to the section detailing all authors and key actors behind your fact-checking project with their biographies. You can also list the name and bios of the members of the editorial board, pool of experts, advisory board, etc. if your organization has those.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

All key actors of ‘the Bunkers’ acting as Kompas.com fact-checking team are listed online (see: https://inside.kompas.com/kode-etik-jurnalistik) with direct link to their detail biography that easily accessible. The team is headed by Wisnu Nugroho, chief editor of Kompas.com and it consists of four senior editors as the member. 

done_all 4b marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Criterion 4c
Evidence required: Please link to the section where readers can get in touch with the organization.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

The outlet provides various forms and links for public to send comments and critics over the published articles or fact-checking issue (see: http://inside.kompas.com/kode-etik-jurnalistik). Moreover, at the bottom of the link, reader can see eight choices of clarification methods to Kompas.com together with examples of how Kompas.com reacted over the reader complaints. The information on this matter is obviously provided in the Web. 

done_all 4c marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Section 5: Transparency of Methodology

Criterion 5a
Detailed Methodology
Evidence required: Please link to a section or article detailing the steps you follow for your fact-checking work.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

In the page http://inside.kompas.com/about-us#metodologi, the outlet informs a steps by step process on how editors select public issues and provides stories being fact-checked. Although, there is no detail rating/grading formula.

done_all 5a marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Criterion 5b
Claim submissions
Evidence required: Please link to the page or process through which readers can submit claims to fact-check. If you do not allow this, please briefly explain why.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

Kompas.com provides generic form for public to send claims and discuss to any fact checking or to making clear stories (see: http://inside.kompas.com/about-us#meet). In addition, the organization uses email accounts (redaksikcm@kompas.com, redaksikcm@kompas.id) and social media platforms to receive both reply and correction. See attached.                                                                                                      

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done_all 5b marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Section 6: Open & Honest Corrections Policy

Criterion 6a
Corrections policy
Evidence required: Please link to the page with your policy to address corrections. If it is not public, please share your organization's handbook.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

 The ‘correction and review’ policy of Kompas.com fully adopts the national cyber-media guidelines (see: http://inside.kompas.com/pedoman).

done_all 6a marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.

Criterion 6b
Examples of corrections
Evidence required: Please provide two examples of a correction made, or correction requests handled, in the past year.

PT. Kompas Cyber Media
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago
Masduki Assessor
14-Feb-2018 (6 years ago) Updated: 6 years ago

The evidence submitted fully complies with the IFCN requirements, although the articles are not fact checks. 

done_all 6b marked as Fully compliant by Masduki.