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Organization: Tech4Peace
Applicant: Aws Al-Saadi
Assessor: Naglaa Elemary


For the background, please refer to the below

Assessment Conclusion

The required changes were made by the applicant. A complaint policy was added as well as a mention of the possibility for the readers to complain to IFCN. 

on 17-Jul-2023 (1 year ago)

Naglaa Elemary assesses application as Compliant

A short summary in native publishing language

بعد إضافة الفقرتين المطلوبتين، نوصي بقبول الطلب 

Section 1: Eligibility to be a signatory

To be eligible to be a signatory, applicants must meet these six criteria

  • 1.1 The applicant is a legally registered organization, or a distinct team or unit within a legally registered organization, and details of this are easily found on its website.
  • 1.2 The team, unit or organization is set up exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking.
  • 1.3 The applicant has published an average of at least one fact check a week over the course of the six months prior to the date of application. For applicants from countries with at least 5 or more verified signatories need to have at least a fact check a week over the twelve months of publishing track. Consult to factchecknet@poynter.org for confirmation.
  • 1.4 On average, at least 75% of the applicant’s fact checks focus on claims related to issues that, in the view of the IFCN, relate to or could have an impact on the welfare or well-being of individuals, the general public or society.
  • 1.5 The applicant’s editorial output is not, in the view of the IFCN, controlled by the state, a political party or politician.
  • 1.6 If the organization receives funding from local or foreign state or political sources, it provides a statement on its site setting out to the satisfaction of the IFCN, how it ensures its funders do not influence the findings of its reports.

Criteria 1.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please explain where on your website you set out information about your organization’s legal status and how this complies with criteria. Attach a link to the relevant page of your website.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Tech4Peace is a registered Not-for-profit Corporation in Iraq with the name "Technology Organization for Peace" and is also registered as a for-profit company in the Netherlands under the name "Tech4Peace". On our website, it is easy to find information about the organization’s legal status as you have to navigate to "Who we are،" and "About us", see the link: https://t4p.co/about/about-us?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Information provided for the English website.

We had to look for the Arabic website as the link is not provided by the applicant. The required information is provided. 

done_all 1.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 1.2
Proof you meet criteria
Please answer the following questions – (see notes in Guidelines for Application on how to answer)

 1. When and why was your fact-checking operation started?
 2. How many people work or volunteer in the organization and what are their roles?
 3. What different activities does your organization carry out?
 4. What are the goals of your fact-checking operation over the coming year?

12-May-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

1. When and why was your fact-checking operation started?

In the summer of 2014, ISIS-occupied Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq. It is widely believed that one of the main reasons for the terrorist organization to achieve such rapid advancement was the launch of an intensive media campaign before the military attack aimed at discouraging the morale of security forces and citizens alike by spreading false information and exaggerating their numbers. The result was visible; ISIS took over the city.

During that time, a small group of friends tried to act by using their private accounts on social media (Facebook and Twitter) to Defeat ISIS rumors and propaganda, but to no avail because they were small in number. Also, the risk of being identified and targeted by ISIS elements, especially after ISIS advanced toward the center of Baghdad and Erbil, grew as an existential threat to the entire country.

In April 2016, the idea of establishing a platform to disprove extremists' ideology, hatred, speeches, and propaganda on social media platforms was developed. We trained a group of youth volunteers to falsify rumors and deactivate accounts that are supported or run by ISIS members under the name of "Technology for Peace (Tech4Peace)".

Since then, the team has grown exponentially, and the field of work has been broadened. Not only fake news from ISIS is exposed, but all kinds of fake news of groups, organizations, and individuals from Iraq and outside Iraq can also be the source of investigation now.

2. How many people work or volunteer in the organization, and what are their roles?

Tech4Peace team consists of 265 members, and their geographical distribution inside and outside Iraq has directly contributed to carrying out many tasks, they do not work in a similar way of a searching method for an ongoing investigation or a specific piece of news. Tech4Peace has recruited many members according to a specific specialization or the person’s position and his ability to access accurate information or well-known person with his relations to benefit from it by obtaining more information.

These tasks of team members have been divided into six teams, and these teams include:

1- Follow-up and research team: This team is responsible for finding news on social media platforms and various internet websites that must be checked and verified, in addition to following up on inquiries and questions of Tech4Peace followers on different social media accounts and e-mails.

2- Investigation team: This team is the largest group of volunteers. The team checks the news to check the authenticity or not, the investigation team examines the allegations received from the follow-up and research team to start the investigations.

3. IT and design team: When the fact-checking process is completed, the IT and Design team will design the publication. The team also designs photos and videos to use in awareness campaigns. The IT department of this team works on ideas to develop the website and mobile app, and to protect the website and our accounts on social media platforms from hacking and other digital security issues.

4. Translation team: The translation team is responsible for translating the news that is in the verification phase of the allegations so that the investigation team can carry out the investigation. We translate and investigate news and allegations in the following nine languages: Arabic, Kurdish, Turkmen, Turkish, Persian, English, French, Italian, and Dutch.

The verified investigations would be published in Arabic on our website and translated again into English to publish on our website in the English version.

5. Social media team: The social media team is responsible for publishing completed fact-checking investigations. All investigations are published on the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and the website.

6. Management team: The management team is responsible for developing the entire Tech4Peace organization. They are responsible for building a network of public contacts for local and international organizations and companies and meetings with the media.

Furthermore, there are five administrators. They check the articles before they are published. They are from different teams and have different backgrounds.

3. What different activities does your organization carry out?

• Fact-checking investigations: the main activity of Tech4Peace is fact-checking itself.

• Campaigns: Tech4Peace also makes campaigns to raise awareness about fake news and digital security.

• Training: Tech4Peace trains its volunteer team to get more advanced. Furthermore, we train new volunteers to become part of our team. We also organize training for local and international organizations about fact-checking.

4. What are the goals of your fact-checking operation over the coming year?

In the coming year, we will work further on our mission to make everyone Tech4Peace so that everyone is aware of fake news and become critical of the news they read. We will do that by working on the following goals:

• To renew IFCN network membership.

• Add a new MOOC for E-learning platform.

• Fewer mistakes in our investigations.

• New partners and projects.

• 3rd partner with Meta.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago)

Required information provided and verified

done_all 1.2 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 1.3
Proof you meet criteria
- The applicant has published an average of at least one fact check a week over the course of the six months prior to the date of application.
- For applicants from countries with at least 5 or more verified signatories need to have at least a fact check a week over the twelve months of publishing track.
- Consult to factchecknet@poynter.org for confirmation.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

More than 5 posts per week, kindly visit https://t4p.co/

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

The applicant publishes at least one story per week over the last 6 months

done_all 1.3 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 1.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will assess compliance through a review of the fact checks published over the previous three months. No additional information required.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

The attached Excel sheet includes 30 examples and indicates the category and classification of the articles.

Files Attached
description 1.4 requirment(2).xl... (12 KB)
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Most stories are of public interest for Iraqis

done_all 1.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 1.5
Proof you meet criteria
Please explain any commercial, financial and/or institutional relationship your organization has to the state, politicians or political parties in the country or countries you cover. Also explain funding or support received from foreign as well as local state or political actors over the previous financial year.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Tech4Peace has no relationship with politicians and/or parties in Iraq and has not received any support from them. We believe that this is very important to stay independent.

Our vision and mission state clearly Our work is to promote peace through defeating fake news and spreading awareness, so from these points come our projects.

We have worked on many projects to promote peace in Iraq,

including the Salam project with the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to train youths to carry out social media campaigns to tackle pressing issues in the country,

The project timeline was "Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Måndag Company – 2021.

Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Måndag company – 2022.

Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Måndag company – 2023.

Here are some outputs of the project:

1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdj_ZBscDX8

2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvA9LJM6bIQ

3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM2PYv5Icfs

Also, with Iraqi Amal Association - Al Namaa Center for Human Rights – 2019 under the name "Secure Yourself" aiming to spread awareness campaign, 10 videos for digital protection.

As we explained in the Purpose of Corporation, we try to focus on the importance of digital security and build awareness of how to protect yourself and your privacy online.

So these were the outcomes of the project:

1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONxUOcj2Yvg

2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mv3FCuvSFQ

3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXUUKW5uREM

The projects we worked on didn't have any kind of effect on the standards of Tech4Peace work nor any influence on the editorial line of Tech4Peace.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

All information regarding funding was provided

done_all 1.5 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 1.6
Proof you meet criteria
If you confirmed the organization receives funding from local or foreign state or political sources, provide a link to where on your website you set out how you ensure the editorial independence of your work.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

We have marked this criterion as Complaint although the details of funding were provided seperatly and not on both sites.

The applicant asked for a waiver which can understandable despite that some of details on funds already exist on the Fb page.

done_all 1.6 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Section 2: A commitment to Non-partisanship and Fairness

To be compliant on nonpartisanship and fairness, applicants must meet these five criteria

  • 2.1 The applicant fact-checks using the same high standards of evidence and judgement for equivalent claims regardless of who made the claim.
  • 2.2 The applicant does not unduly concentrate its fact-checking on any one side, considers the reach and importance of claims it selects to check and publishes a short statement on its website to set out how it selects claims to check.
  • 2.3 The applicant discloses in its fact checks relevant interests of the sources it quotes where the reader might reasonably conclude those interests could influence the accuracy of the evidence provided. It also discloses in its fact checks any commercial or other such relationships it has that a member of the public might reasonably conclude could influence the findings of the fact check.
  • 2.4 The applicant is not as an organization affiliated with nor declares or shows support for any party, any politician or political candidate, nor does it advocate for or against any policy positions on any issues save for transparency and accuracy in public debate.
  • 2.5 The applicant sets out its policy on non-partisanship for staff on its site. Save for the issues of accuracy and transparency, the applicant’s staff do not get involved in advocacy or publicise their views on policy issues the organization might fact check in such a way as might lead a reasonable member of the public to see the organization’s work as biased.

Criteria 2.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please share links to 10 fact checks published over the past year that you believe demonstrate your non-partisanship.
Please briefly explain how the fact checks selected show that (I) you use the same high standards of evidence for equivalent claims, (II) follow the same essential process for every fact check and (III) let the evidence dictate your conclusions.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

At Tech4Peace, we choose our team members carefully following a high level of criteria to ensure that our team is independent and will investigate all claims with the same level of professionalism.

Each investigation goes through many teams to be published on our platforms, as the way explained in our methodology, and every step has different people from different backgrounds originally. In this way, we make sure that every investigation on our platforms has an acceptance by all team members.

- Post against Muqtada Sadr we expose it in the link:


In the same context, we expose Muqtada Sadr’s follower’s link:


- Post published against Saudi Arabia:


We expose posts published against Iran:


We expose posts published against Türkiye:


- We expose posts published against Sunnis in Iraq:


- We expose posts published against Shiites in Iraq:


- We expose posts published against Yezidis in Iraq:


- We expose posts published against YezidisChristianity:


- Expose post against a demonstration in Iraq:


Expose post with the demonstration in Iraq:


- Expose something related to the U.S in Iraq:


This post is different:


- Expose post published against Israel


Expose post published against Palestine


- Situation in Iraq:


- In another country:


- In the U.S.A:


This post is different:


Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Applicant using same standards when dealing with different political figures and entities 

done_all 2.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 2.2
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to a place on your website where you explain how you select claims to check, explaining how you ensure you do not unduly concentrate your fact-checking on any one side, and how you consider the reach and importance of the claims you select to check.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Please, see on the Methodology page how we choose the claims and how we give priority to these claims https://t4p.co/about/Methodology?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Information exists on both websites

done_all 2.2 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 2.3
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will assess compliance through a review of the fact checks published over the previous year. No additional information required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Sources are well explained 

done_all 2.3 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 2.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will assess compliance through a review of the fact checks published over the previous year. No additional information required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Applicant doesn't appear to belong or advocate any political entity

done_all 2.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 2.5
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to a place on your website where you publish a statement setting out your policy on non-partisanship for staff and how it ensures the organization meets this criteria.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Please, see the first paragraph on https://t4p.co/about/transparency-policy?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Policy exists on both sites 

done_all 2.5 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Section 3: A commitment to Standards and Transparency of Sources

To be compliant on sources, applicants must meet these four criteria

  • 3.1 The applicant identifies the source of all significant evidence used in their fact checks, providing relevant links where the source is available online, in such a way that users can replicate their work if they wish. In cases where identifying the source would compromise the source’s personal security, the applicant provides as much detail as compatible with the source’s safety.
  • 3.2 The applicant uses the best available primary, not secondary, sources of evidence wherever suitable primary sources are available. Where suitable primary sources are not available, the applicant explains the use of a secondary source.
  • 3.3 The applicant checks all key elements of claims against more than one named source of evidence save where the one source is the only source relevant on the topic.
  • 3.4 The applicant identifies in its fact checks the relevant interests of the sources it uses where the reader might reasonably conclude those interests could influence the accuracy of the evidence provided.

Criteria 3.1
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

"Since the first working day of the Tech4Peace team, we have committed to providing the sources of the investigations that we are working on, which were published on our page with the posts so that our audience themselves can check the source and review the investigations that we worked on to ensure the credibility of the investigations that supported by the sources, and due to the low public reach, we started to put the links of sources for investigations as well as links of the accounts and pages that spread false allegations in the comments for the same post.

After the last update of the Tech4Peace website on February 26, 2021. We have worked on developing and adding more smooth features, including providing a source links section under the article, in addition to the fake news claimers links also under the article,

for more information, see the link: https://t4p.co/about/sources?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Links are provided in both sites

done_all 3.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 3.2
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

To see how Tech4Peace deals with the sources, please visit the link: https://t4p.co/about/sources?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Primary sources are widely used 

done_all 3.2 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 3.3
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

In many stories, more than one source is used. 

done_all 3.3 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 3.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the applicant’s use of sources in a randomised sample of its fact checks to assess compliance. No additional evidence is required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Followed to a certain extent. Could be better done but we choose to mark the criterion as Compliang due to thd rigorous methodology.

done_all 3.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Section 4: A commitment to Transparency of Funding & Organization

To be compliant on funding and organization, applicants must meet these five criteria

  • 4.1 Applicants that are independent organizations have a page on their website detailing each source of funding accounting for 5% or more of total revenue for its previous financial year. This page also sets out the legal form in which the organization is registered (e.g. as a non-profit, as a company etc).
  • 4.2 Applicants that are the fact-checking section or unit of a media house or other parent organization make a statement on ownership.
  • 4.3 A statement on the applicant’s website sets out the applicant’s organizational structure and makes clear how and by whom editorial control is exercised.
  • 4.4 A page on the applicant’s website details the professional biography of all those who, according to the organizational structure and play a significant part in its editorial output.
  • 4.5 The applicant provides easy means on its website and/or via social media for users to communicate with the editorial team.

Criteria 4.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please confirm whether you are an ‘independent organization’
or ‘the fact-checking section or unit of a media house or other parent organization’ and share proof of this organizational status.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Tech4Peace is an independent organization.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

All information regarding funding was provided in a seperate sheet. No details of the funds on the websites.

The applicant asked to waive this criterion and to accept the seperate document which we support.

done_all 4.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 4.2
Proof you meet criteria
If your organization is an “independent organization”, please share a link to the page on your website where you detail your funding and indicate the legal form in which the organization is registered (e.g. as a non-profit, as a company etc).
If your organization is “the fact-checking section or unit of a media house or other parent organization”, please share a link to the statement on your website about your ownership.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

"Iraq is low ranked regarding freedom of speech/expression. See https://freedomhouse.org/country/iraq. Especially talking about any relation with foreign organizations and institutions, see for example, these videos of people who announced they were sponsored by international organizations:

Therefore, it would be too dangerous for us to put all our funders on our website.

The NGO directorate, a body which is part of the General Secretariat for the Council of Ministers for the Government of Iraq, monitors us: http://www.ngoao.gov.iq/, every year, we provide them with a financial report including our funds."

Plus, we explained in a larger scope the reason for not publishing about our funders in a letter, and all the funding details and all necessary documents are sent to IFCN.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

We accept the justification given by the applicant

done_all 4.2 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 4.3
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to where on your website you set out your organizational structure, making clear how and by whom editorial control is exercised.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

All knformation detailed on both websites

done_all 4.3 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 4.4
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to where on your website you set out the professional biographies of those who play a significant part in your organization’s editorial output.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

On our website, you can find the biography of our founder and president of Tech4Peace and the spokesperson and his work with the editorial line of Tech4 Peace https://t4p.co/about/our-team?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Bios published

done_all 4.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 4.5
Proof you meet criteria
Please share a link to where on your website you encourage users to communicate with your editorial team.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

The call to the readers is clear

done_all 4.5 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Section 5: A commitment to Standards and Transparency of Methodology

To be compliant on methodology, applicants must meet these six criteria

  • 5.1 The applicant publishes on its website a statement about the methodology it uses to select, research, write and publish its fact checks.
  • 5.2 The applicant selects claims to check based primarily on the reach and importance of the claims, and where possible explains the reason for choosing the claim to check.
  • 5.3 The applicant sets out in its fact checks relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as relevant evidence that appears to undermine it.
  • 5.4 The applicant in its fact checks assesses the merits of the evidence found using the same high standards applied to evidence on equivalent claims, regardless of who made the claim.
  • 5.5 The applicant seeks where possible to contact those who made the claim to seek supporting evidence, noting that (I) this is often not possible with online claims, (II) if the person who makes the claim fails to reply in a timely way this should not impede the fact check, (III) if a speaker adds caveats to the claim, the fact-checker should be free to continue with checking the original claim, (IV) fact-checkers may not wish to contact the person who made the claim for safety or other legitimate reasons.
  • 5.6 The applicant encourages users to send in claims to check, while making it clear what readers can legitimately expect will be fact-checked and what isn’t fact-checkable.

Criteria 5.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please provide a link to the statement on your website that explains the methodology you use to select, research, write and publish your fact checks.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Kindly visit the web page: https://t4p.co/about/Methodology?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Link provided

done_all 5.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 5.2
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Claims seem to be chosen of public interest. In some stories reasons of choice were indicated.

done_all 5.2 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 5.3
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Evidence are provided 

done_all 5.3 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 5.4
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Same standards applied

done_all 5.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 5.5
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the methodology used in a randomised sample of your fact checks to assess compliance with these criteria. No additional evidence is required.

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

In some stories, sources were contacted by the applicant.

done_all 5.5 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 5.6
Proof you meet criteria
Please describe how you encourage users to send in claims to check, while making it clear what readers can legitimately expect will be fact-checked and what isn’t fact-checkable. Include links where appropriate. If you do not allow this, explain why.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Our followers send us claims every day to fact-check. We follow up with all inquiries and reply with a message that we will fact-check it, according to the guideline we’ve made on our website to reach us what do we fact-check and we don’t: https://t4p.co/about/contact-us?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Link provided. Details on what readers can expect and which claims cannot be verified are included in both websites

done_all 5.6 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Section 6: A commitment to an Open & Honest Corrections Policy

To be compliant on corrections policy, applicants must meet these five criteria

  • 6.1 The applicant has a corrections or complaints policy that is easily visible and accessible on the organization’s website or frequently referenced in broadcasts.
  • 6.2 The policy sets out clear definitions of what it does and does not cover, how major mistakes, especially those requiring revised conclusions of a fact check, are handled, and the fact that some complaints may justify no response. This policy is adhered to scrupulously.
  • 6.3 Where credible evidence is provided that the applicant has made a mistake worthy of correction, the applicant makes a correction openly and transparently, seeking as far as possible to ensure that users of the original see the correction and the corrected version.
  • 6.4 The applicant, if an existing signatory, should either on its corrections/complaints page or on the page where it declares itself an IFCN signatory inform users that if they believe the signatory is violating the IFCN Code, they may inform the IFCN, with a link to the IFCN site.
  • 6.5 If the applicant is the fact-checking unit of a media company, it is a requirement of signatory status that the parent media company has and adheres to an open and honest corrections policy.

Criteria 6.1
Proof you meet criteria
Please provide a link to where you publish on your website your corrections or complaints policy. If you are primarily a broadcaster, please provide evidence you frequently reference your corrections policy in broadcasts.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Tech4Peace exists to offer accurate and true information with sources so that people can make up their minds about claims. We’re grateful to anyone who takes the time to help us improve our work. For more information about our correction policy, please visit the link: https://t4p.co/about/corrections-policy?lang=en

19-Jun-2023 (1 year ago)

Tech4Peace exists to offer accurate and true information with sources so that people can make up their minds about claims. We’re grateful to anyone who takes the time to help us improve our work. For more information about our correction policy, please visit the link: https://t4p.co/about/corrections-policy?lang=en

Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

The correction policy is well explained but no mention of any complaint policy. This needs to be added.

done_all 6.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
17-Jul-2023 (1 year ago)

The correction policy is well explained but no mention of any complaint policy. This needs to be added.


Required changes were made

done_all 6.1 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 6.2
Proof you meet criteria
The assessor will review the corrections policy to verify it meets critera. No additional information needed.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

The policy is clear

done_all 6.2 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 6.3
Proof you meet criteria
Please provide a short statement about how the policy was adhered to over the previous year (or six months if this is the first application) including evidence of two examples of the responses provided by the applicant to a correction request over the previous year. Where no correction request has been made in the previous year, you must state this in your application, which will be publicly available in the assessment if your application is successful.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)

Tech4Peace exists to offer accurate and true information with sources so that people can make up their minds about claims. We’re grateful to anyone who takes the time to help us improve our work.

Mistakes sometimes happen due to high pressure. Tech4Peace corrects errors as quickly as possible and with appropriate transparency. Readers and others can bring errors to our attention by emailing info@t4p.co or contacting us on our accounts on social media platforms. We may not respond in cases where the request for correction is baseless or unwarranted.

Major errors of fact – A serious error that results in new information or otherwise changes the general outlook of the fact-check will be removed from our platforms, and we will publish an apology for the previous mistake accompanied by the new fact-check using our apology template

The text of the fact-check is updated with the new information. Corrected fact-checks will be added on our "Corrections Policy" section on the website

Errors of fact – Errors of fact that do not impact the original information or do not change the general outlook of the fact-check receive a mark of correction at the bottom of the fact-check with a word update or edit and add the time and date of the edit.

The text of the fact-check is updated with the new information. The correction states the correct information that has been added to the report.

Typos, grammatical errors, misspellings – We correct typos, grammatical errors, misspellings, transpositions, and other small errors without a mark of correction or tag and as soon as they are brought to our attention by our team or our audience.

Updates – From time to time, we add additional information to stories and fact-checks after they’ve been published, not as a correction but as a service to readers. Examples include a response from the speaker we received after publication (that did not change the conclusion of the report), or breaking news after publication that is relevant to the check. Updates can be made parenthetically within the text with a date or at the end of the article.

We notify our group of volunteers about the mistake they have done to avoid it next time and pay extra attention. Interestingly, our margin of error is less than 1%.

Tech4Peace works with complete transparency and encourages the correction and apology to the public for any mistake that may occur, and it may be an oversight because of pressures or mixing up due to a large number of claims and sources. Therefore, at the end of each year, when we publish the statistics, we put the number of the errors in the statistics, and not only that, rather we put the links to errors or/and modifications and updates that we have made on this page. These are all errors since the beginning of the establishment of the Tech4Peace team:

On May 11, 2023, we updated an article by removing the word (mechanics engineering) and replacing it with (Aircraft mechanics).

Edit time: 11:49 AM, Edit date 11/05/2023


On May 7, 2023, we updated an article by correcting the month name from (July to April) in the following sentence: Also, Kambash denied the circulated claim in a post on Facebook on July 14, 2023" to "Also, Kambash denied the circulated claim in a post on Facebook on April 14, 2023"

Edit time: 06:36 PM, Edit date: 05/07/2023.


On April 25, 2023, we updated an article by adding the following paragraph, "We also contacted the official page of the Anbar Governorate Police Command on Facebook, and they confirmed that the news was false." Where the fact-check was published based on other sources and facts, and upon receiving the response of the concerned party days after publishing the investigation, the source mentioned above was added.

Edit time: 06:00 PM, Edit date: 04/25/2023.


Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

Corrections are clear in stories initially published with mistakes

done_all 6.3 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 6.4
Proof you meet criteria
If you are an existing signatory, please provide a link to show where on your site you inform users that if they believe you are violating the IFCN Code, they may inform the IFCN of this, with a link to the complaints page on the IFCN site.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago
19-Jun-2023 (1 year ago)
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago

IFCN is explained in a seperate page. However no mention of the possibility for readers to complain. 

done_all 6.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.
Naglaa Elemary Assessor
17-Jul-2023 (1 year ago)

IFCN is explained in a seperate page. However no mention of the possibility for readers to complain. 


Required changes were made

done_all 6.4 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.

Criteria 6.5
Proof you meet criteria
If you are the fact-checking unit of a media company, please provide a link to the parent media company’s honest and open corrections policy and provide evidence that it adheres to this.

12-May-2023 (1 year ago)


Naglaa Elemary Assessor
18-Jun-2023 (1 year ago) Updated: 1 year ago


done_all 6.5 marked as Compliant by Naglaa Elemary.