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Ahmed Esmat from Egypt

Ahmed Esmat

Alexandria Media Forum


ABOUT AHMED ESMAT Influencing the media field since 2006. He is the winner of the Media innovation prize from the Ban-Arab Thoughts Foundation (Fikr Al Arabi) 2016, also honored by the Arab Academy for Science and Technology – the educational arm of the Arab League - for developing the media information literacy curriculum of the Communication and Language University. Ahmed is a media serial entrepreneur, he co-founded the local Alex Agenda magazine 2006, "Amwague Sakandarya" Newspaper 2012, Mahtet El Raml online radio 2013 among other projects. In 2012 he also launched the Alexandria Media Forum, a yearly regional forum, and a Platform to enhance the media innovation scene supporting practical media training. The forum yearly dedicated a full pillar for fact-checking and in 2018, the forum was fully covering the post-truth era. He pays great attention to media and data innovation that enhances the development goals in the post-truth era (fake news) and fact-checking beside the best practices in the media information literacy. He wrote 12 articles about fact-checking and debunking at Loghat Al-Asr magazine (Al-Ahram Publications). Ahmed used to be a journalist at Akhbar Alyoum organization. Prior, He worked as a consultant for the UNDP media and elections program and the EU Management and Marketing for Cultural project in Egypt. Also, a mentor at the ICFJ media projects in the Arab region. Added to that he managed the Euro-Med Academy for Young Journalists (EMAJ). Ahmed co-authored a book with Steve Buttery titled "How to brand a journalist in the digital age"; a manual about "media and elections" with the UNDP among a team; in addition to several articles in different newspapers and magazines. Ahmed is Adjunct Faculty (media studies diploma) at the Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism in the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the American University in Cairo and a renowned speaker who mixes his academic background with the practical experience in the fields of digital media innovation, digital media, and entrepreneurship. He earned the French media fellowship, DW fellowship, a YLVP fellow (Sweden), IVLP fellow (USA), MEAC-SIG fellow (ICANN) and currently a Chevening scholar. He speaks Arabic and English covering the Arab Region

Conflict of Interest Statement


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Countries covered


4 applications assessed

Applications Assessed

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0