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Milica Šarić from Serbia

Milica Šarić

investigative journalist and fact-checker


Milica worked as an investigative journalist and fact-checker since 2012, while she became editor-in-chief in Center for investigative journalism of Serbia (www.cins.rs) in 2018. She won the European Union award for the best young investigative journalist in Serbia in 2016, and with CINS team won the prestigious 2017 European Press Prize, as well as the WJP Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism and Dušan Bogavac award for ethics and courage. She investigated money laundering, botched privatisations, energy and ecology issues, private security, financing of political parties and judiciary. As a fact-checker on cross-border projects she contributed to OCCRP, and as an external associate she contributes to the International Fact-Checking Network. She led to the creation of the first online game on the topic of corruption in public procurement in Serbia: "The good, the bad, and the corrupt" and was editor of 2 more databases about public officials. Holds trainings on fact-checking and investigative journalism skills.

Conflict of Interest Statement


Languages covered

English, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian

Countries covered

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Ireland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia, United Kingdom, United States

@_shariceva 14 applications assessed

Applications Assessed

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 11
Partially compliant 1
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 12
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 12
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 9
Partially compliant 3
Non compliant 0