Topic,Users Political Interpretation,LINK "Coronavirus. According to some newspapers, in Frosinone someone had thrown stones against chinese students. The news was false. The public interest is about racism. This episode is not proof of racism against the Chinese. The fake news was used to accuse right parties: ""You are responsible for hatred against the Chinese.""",Pro-right, "Does an ""immigrant"" on a bicycle damage a tram in Padua or Milan? No! Fact happened in France. The video was published by politicians of the italian right.",Pro-left, Immigrant driven out of a pressure washer by a racist. No! The video was made in South America. The video was shared by an Italian union close to leftist politics.,Pro-right, "The leader of the ""Lega"", a right party, shows a photo of the ear of a prison guard. According to him, the agent was bitten by an immigrant in prison. The info was false, it was not bitten by the prisoner.",Pro-left, "The Lega, a right-wing party, had made a demonstration in a square in Rome. Users have posted on social media photos where they show the dirty square. The photos are old and are from a musical concert.",Pro-right, Left demonstration in a square in Rome. Users post old photos where the square is dirty. They are the same used against the Lega party.,Pro-left, "Elections in the Umbria region. The Lega party continues the election campaign online. The left says that it violates the electoral silence law. It is not true, the law does not prohibit the online election campaign.",Pro-right, "Politicians of the Lega, a right party, say that the Nutri-Score system and the European Union want to damage ""made in Italy"" products. It's not true. They also publish videos with false information.",Pro-left, Did Trump violate the protocol in the meeting with Queen Elizabeth? No!,Pro-right, "A young girl, who supports the right parties, was beaten by left supporters. True or false? False story, the girl had invented everything.",Pro-left, "The rumor is circulating that Italy has given 50 million euros to Tunisia for the Coronavirus emergency. The ""proof"" is a Facebook post published and deleted from the page of the Italian embassy in Tunisia. The post is true, the 50 million is a loan and is not about the Coronavirus emergency.",Pro-left, "Matteo Salvini, leader of the opposition to the government, brings flowers to Naples to honor a policeman who died in April 2020. The councilor of Naples Troncone Gaetano accuses the right-wing leader of having mistaken the place of the policeman's death, but this is not true.",Pro-right, "The Lega party announces Salvini's meeting in Naples, but the Facebook announcement circulates with the photo of Catania. Users, journalists and politicians accuse the party of not knowing geography, but the image is a photomontage: a joke against Salvini's party.",Pro-right, "Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio was accused, with a video, of having used the cars of the Italian government to go to Switzerland. The cars belong to the Swiss government, not the Italian one.",Pro-left, "Left-wing activists accuse the police of racism for violently arresting a black boy in the Milan station. According to activists, the boy was arrested because without a mask (for the Coronavirus emergency), but this is not true. He was arrested because he was screaming and scaring the passengers of a train. The black boy reacted violently aganints the police man and had a 36cm long knife in his backpack. It was not a case of racism.",Pro-right, "A photomontage of a fake tweet against the leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, Giorgia Meloni. In the fake tweet he supports the Carabinieri arrested in Piacenza, accused of drug dealing.",Pro-right, "Users publish a video where the Italian Prime Minister Antonio Conte is contested in Catania in 2020, but it is a video from 2019. The politician was Matteo Salvini, right-wing leader of the opposition to the government.",Pro-left, "Users post a photo of the Supreme Defense Council where government politicians are close and without masks, violating the rules of the Coronavirus emergency. The photo is from 2019.",Pro-left,