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Naglaa Elemary from Algeria

Naglaa Elemary

Thomson Reuters Foundation, British University in Egypt, Jordan Media Institute


More than 20 years as reporter, presenter and Editor for News and current affairs in Egypt, UAE, France and UK. Working for the BBC in Londodn for 15 years and then BBC WS Cairo Bureau Chief and MENA Special projects editor until 2013. Leading diffrent BBC WS activities in North Africa and Middle East including support to local media. Now, Media Studies professor at British University in Egypt teaching Media Laws and Ethics, Digital Journasim/ Visiting Professor at Jordan media Institute and Expert for the Jordan Media and Information Literacy project. Consultant and media trainer for Thomson reuters Foundation in teh Arab World and elsewhere. Verification of News and UGC is essential part of my current work. Following the latest via WAN - IFRA and Global Editors Network in addition to IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research especillay Ethics Group"

Conflict of Interest Statement


Languages covered

English, French, Arabic

Countries covered

Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territory, Occupied, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

@elemaryNaglaa 5 applications assessed

Applications Assessed

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 0
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0

Fully compliant 12
Partially compliant 0
Non compliant 0